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Municipal solid waste management in Ethiopia; the gaps and ways for improvement
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s10163-020-01118-y
Fiseha Bekele Teshome

This study aimed at examining solid waste management systems in Ethiopia, identifying the gaps, and exploring ways for improvement. Expansive literature surveys of journal articles, official reports, state-issued pamphlets, critical review of laws and policies were used to elicit information. Case studies provided insight into challenges while investigations into the waste management system of countries with a better system were made to draw comparisons and pinpoint areas of improvement. The average waste generation (0.32 kg/capita/day) was found to be within the limit of waste generation for low-income countries: however, there is an annual increase in waste generation by 5%. The waste is dominated by organic biodegradables which accounted for 67.4%. Crude open dumping without pre-treatment and traditional open burning of wastes are common practices. only 5% of waste is recycled in an unsafe informal way. The current waste management system can be described by 3 I’s (Irregular, inadequate, and inefficient) which denote sporadic and inconsistent collection, low coverage, technical frailties, and lack of enforcement of laws, respectively. Hence, implementing the new system proposed in this study should be a priority. Political will, institutional reform, finance, and most importantly change in behavior are necessary to ensure sustainable waste management.



这项研究旨在检查埃塞俄比亚的固体废物管理系统,找出差距,并探索改善方法。对期刊文章,官方报告,国家发行的小册子,法律和政策的严格审查进行了广泛的文献调查,以获取信息。案例研究提供了对挑战的洞察力,同时对具有更好系统的国家的废物管理系统进行了调查,以进行比较并指出需要改进的地方。发现低收入国家的平均废物产生量(0.32千克/人均/天)在废物产生量的限制之内:但是,废物产生量每年增加5%。废物以有机可降解物质为主,占67.4%。没有预处理的粗野露天倾倒和传统的露天焚烧是常见的做法。只有5%的废物以不安全的非正式方式进行回收。当前的废物管理系统可以用3 I(不规则,不足和效率低)来描述,分别表示零星的和不一致的收集,覆盖率低,技术脆弱以及缺乏法律执行力。因此,实施本研究中提出的新系统应该是一个优先事项。政治意愿,机构改革,财务以及最重要的行为改变是确保可持续废物管理所必需的。技术上的脆弱和缺乏法律执行。因此,实施本研究中提出的新系统应该是一个优先事项。政治意愿,机构改革,财务以及最重要的行为改变是确保可持续废物管理所必需的。技术上的脆弱和缺乏法律执行。因此,实施本研究中提出的新系统应该是一个优先事项。政治意愿,机构改革,财务以及最重要的行为改变是确保可持续废物管理所必需的。
