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Studies on the life cycle of Pleurogenoides wayanadensis Shinad & Prasadan, 2018 (Digenea: Pleurogenidae) from the Western Ghats, India
Journal of Helminthology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-28 , DOI: 10.1017/s0022149x20000772
P K Prasadan 1 , K Shinad 1 , C Sherin 1 , K Arusha 1

The life cycle of Pleurogenoides wayanadensis Shinad & Prasadan, 2018, infecting the frogs Hoplobatrachus tigerinus and Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis, is elucidated in this study. All the life cycle stages from egg to egg-producing adults were elucidated under natural conditions and successfully established in the laboratory. The life cycle took about 58 to 65 days for completion. Miracidia were released by teasing the eggs with fine needles. Sporocysts were found in the freshwater snail, Bithynia (Digoniostoma) pulchella, collected from paddy fields at Payode, Western Ghats, Wayanad region, in the months of October and November 2019. Cercariae were of the virgulate xiphidiocercous type. Metacercariae were recovered from the eyes of the damselfly naiads of the species Ischnura sp. and Copera sp., and the thorax and abdomen of the dragonfly naiads, Orthetrum sp. The metacercariae showed progenetic development. The growth and development of the metacercariae in the naiads that were exposed to cercariae, and development of the trematode in frogs that were force-fed with encysted metacercariae, have been studied at regular intervals. The prepatent period is 14–19 days. The present life cycle study of a Pleurogenoides spp. forms the seventh report from the world, fourth report from India and the third from Kerala.


印度西高止山脉 Pleurogenoides wayanadensis Shinad & Prasadan, 2018 (Digenea: Pleurogenidae) 生命周期研究

的生命周期瓦亚南侧柏Shinad & Prasadan,2018,感染青蛙虎头蛇蓝藻, 在本研究中得到阐明。在自然条件下阐明了从卵到产卵成虫的所有生命周期阶段,并在实验室中成功建立。生命周期大约需要 58 到 65 天才能完成。通过用细针挑逗鸡蛋来释放 Miracidia。在淡水蜗牛中发现了孢子囊,Bithynia (Digoniostoma) pulchella,于 2019 年 10 月和 11 月从 Wayanad 地区西高止山脉 Payode 的稻田收集。尾蚴属于 virgulate xiphidiocercous 类型。从该物种的豆娘水仙的眼睛中回收了囊蚴伊施努拉sp。和库珀拉sp.,以及蜻蜓水母的胸部和腹部,正弦乐sp。囊蚴显示出后代发育。已定期研究暴露于尾蚴的水母中囊蚴的生长和发育,以及强制喂食有囊囊囊蚴的青蛙中吸虫的发育。准备期为 14-19 天。目前的生命周期研究菌类spp. 形成世界第七份报告、印度第四份报告和喀拉拉邦第三份报告。