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The genome sequence of Samia ricini, a new model species of lepidopteran insect
Molecular Ecology Resources ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-28 , DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13259
Jung Lee 1, 2 , Tomoaki Nishiyama 3 , Shuji Shigenobu 4 , Katsushi Yamaguchi 4 , Yutaka Suzuki 5 , Toru Shimada 2 , Susumu Katsuma 1 , Takashi Kiuchi 1

Samia ricini, a gigantic saturniid moth, has the potential to be a novel lepidopteran model species. Samia ricini is far more resistant to diseases than the current model species Bombyx mori, and therefore can be more easily reared. In addition, genetic resources available for S. ricini rival those for B. mori: at least 26 ecoraces of S. ricini are reported and S. ricini can hybridize with wild Samia species, which are distributed throughout Asian countries, and produce fertile progenies. Physiological traits such as food preference, integument colour and larval spot pattern differ among S. ricini strains and wild Samia species so that those traits can be targeted in forward genetic analyses. To facilitate genetic research in S. ricini, we determined its whole genome sequence. The assembled genome of S. ricini was 458 Mb with 155 scaffolds, and the scaffold N50 length of the assembly was ~ 21 Mb. In total, 16,702 protein coding genes were predicted. While the S. ricini genome was mostly collinear with that of B. mori with some rearrangements and few S. ricini‐specific genes were discovered, chorion genes and fibroin genes seemed to have expanded in the S. ricini lineage. As the first step of genetic analyses, causal genes for “Blue,” “Yellow,” “Spot,” and “Red cocoon” phenotypes were mapped to chromosomes.



Samia ricini 是一种巨大的土星蛾,有可能成为一种新的鳞翅目模式物种。Samia ricini比目前的模式种家蚕 (Bombyx mori)更能抵抗疾病,因此更容易饲养。此外,可用于遗传资源S.蚕对手那些家蚕:至少26个ecoraces S.蚕报告和S.蚕与野生可以杂交萨米亚物质,其在整个亚洲国家的分布,并产生育子代。S. ricini菌株和野生的生理特征,如食物偏好、珠被颜色和幼虫斑点模式不同Samia物种,以便在正向遗传分析中可以针对这些特征。为了促进蓖麻链球菌的遗传研究,我们确定了它的全基因组序列。S. ricini的组装基因组为 458 Mb,具有 155 个支架,组装的支架 N50 长度约为 21 Mb。总共预测了 16,702 个蛋白质编码基因。虽然S.蚕基因组主要是共线与的家蚕一些重排和几S.蚕特异性基因被发现,绒毛膜基因和基因素似乎在以扩大S.蓖麻血统。作为遗传分析的第一步,将“蓝色”、“黄色”、“斑点”和“红色茧”表型的因果基因定位到染色体上。