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Evaluation of Rearing Parameters of a Self-Limiting Strain of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Insects ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-27 , DOI: 10.3390/insects11100663
Rachid Elaini , Romisa Asadi , Neil Naish , Martha Koukidou , Mazih Ahmed

The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata, is a significant pest of stone and pome fruit that causes considerable economic losses worldwide. Current control is primarily based on insecticides, which are often mixed with protein baits. Oxitec has developed a self-limiting medfly strain (OX3864A) that demonstrates conditional female-specific mortality in the early life stages. Sustained release of OX3864A males offers medfly control, which should lead to substantial economic benefits in area-wide programmes. In the current study, the optimum quantities of mature and immature stages of the strain are assessed under semi-mass production. Moreover, the rearing and quality control limitations related to the production of this strain are provided. The data here demonstrate that the egg hatch rate can reach >85% under optimum rearing conditions. However, this depends on the number of pupae loaded in a cage and their ages. The suggested pupal density ranges between 14,000 and 18,000 pupae per cage to provide optimum egg production. In parallel, the embryo densities of 1.25–1.5 mL/kg larval Tet+ diet are recommended for strain propagation, while embryo densities of 1.25–2.0 mL/kg larval Tet− diet are suggested for male-only pupal production.



地中海果蝇(地中海果蝇),ceratitis capitata是一种主要的核果类水果,在全球范围内造成巨大的经济损失。目前的控制主要是基于杀虫剂,通常将它们与蛋白质诱饵混合使用。Oxitec已开发出一种自我限制的medfly品系(OX3864A),该品系在生命的早期阶段证明了有条件的女性特异性死亡率。OX3864A雄性的持续释放可控制果蝇,这将在整个地区计划中带来可观的经济利益。在当前的研究中,在半批量生产下评估了菌株成熟和未成熟阶段的最佳量。此外,提供了与该菌株产生有关的饲养和质量控制限制。此处的数据表明,在最佳饲养条件下,卵孵化率可以达到> 85%。然而,这取决于笼子里装的of的数量及其年龄。建议的al密度为每笼14,000至18,000 ae,以提供最佳的产蛋量。同时,建议将1.25–1.5 mL / kg幼虫Tet +日粮的胚胎密度用于菌株繁殖,而建议将1.25–2.0 mL / kg幼虫Tet-日粮的胚胎密度用于仅雄性p的生产。