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Harvesting Criteria Application as a Technical and Financial Alternative for Management of Degraded Tropical Forests: A Case Study from Brazilian Amazon
Diversity ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-27 , DOI: 10.3390/d12100373
Marco A. Siviero , Ademir R. Ruschel , Jorge A. G. Yared , Osmar J. R. de Aguiar , Paulo C. G. Pereira , Sabrina B. Vieira , Agust Sales

: This article addresses a case study on the application of criteria for harvesting, aiming at restoration and profitability in a degraded tropical forest in the Amazon. The objective is to provide technical and economic information to promote a truly sustainable silvicultural management system in forests with this profile and turn them into a desirable financial asset for conservation and social development. In the forest census, 85.907 trees ha−1 (100.8566 m3 ha−1) were inventoried with diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥ 25 cm, belonging to 106 commercial species. When applying the harvest criteria, 19.923 trees ha−1 (29.99 m3 ha−1), referring to 53 species, were destined for harvest. Some trees were selected by more than one criterion, totalizing 17.985 trees ha−1 by density, 1.831 trees ha−1 by compromised health, 0.212 trees ha−1 by maximum dbh, 18.933 trees ha−1 by minimum dbh, 1.385 trees ha−1 by tree stem (quality 3), and 0.080 trees ha−1 by species conservation. In all scenarios, the application of criteria for harvesting proved to be profitable with excellent cost–benefit ratios. The selection of trees with a minimum cutting diameter of 25 cm in shorter cycles tends to allow the promotion of new commercial species. The set of actions presented has the potential to favor the maintenance of biodiversity and expansion of low-density populations, health and the potential increment of the forest productivity. In addition, it is more feasible for the supply of forest products in a shorter time than provided for in Brazilian regulations; however, they must respect the specificities of the species and also of the site.



本文介绍了有关采伐标准应用的案例研究,旨在恢复亚马逊退化热带森林中的恢复能力和盈利能力。目的是提供技术和经济信息,以促进具有这种特征的森林中真正可持续的造林管理系统,并将其转变为保护和社会发展的理想金融资产。在森林普查中,清查了85.907公顷ha -1(100.8566 m 3 ha -1),其胸径dbh)≥25 cm时的直径属于106种商品树种。采用采伐标准时,可种植19.923公顷ha -1(29.99 m 3 ha -1),指的是53种,注定要收获。一些树木被一个以上的标准选择,合计17.985公顷树木-1的密度,1.831树木公顷-1的健康受损,树木0.212公顷-1的最大胸径,树18.933公顷-1的最小胸径,树1.385公顷- 1棵树(质量3),0.080棵树ha -1通过物种保护。在所有情况下,以极佳的成本效益比证明采用采伐标准都是有利可图的。在较短的周期内选择最小采伐直径为25厘米的树木往往会促进新的商业树种的推广。提出的一系列行动可能有利于维持生物多样性和扩大低密度种群,健康以及森林生产力的潜在增长。此外,与巴西法规相比,在更短的时间内提供林产品更为可行;但是,他们必须尊重物种以及地点的特殊性。