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Attachment therapy: Are we truly doing “no harm”?
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-27 , DOI: 10.1111/cpsp.12379
Kyle M. Haney 1

This article evaluates the existing research regarding attachment therapy and provides additional support for its consideration as a potentially harmful treatment (PHT; Lilienfeld, Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2007, 2, 53). While asserted that it is based in traditional attachment theory (Ainsworth, Determinants of infant behavior, 1963, New York, NY: Wiley; Infancy in Uganda: Infant care and the growth of love, 1967, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press; Bowlby, Maternal care and mental health: A report prepared on behalf of the World Health Organization as a contribution to the United Nations programme for the welfare of homeless children (2nd ed.), 1952, World Health Organization; Attachment and loss, Vol. I: Attachment, 1969, New York, NY: Basic Books; Clinical applications of attachment: A secure base, 1988, London, UK: Routledge), many current attachment therapy practices are coercive and dangerous. These practices operate with limited research and use techniques that are rooted in a less evidence-based “rage theory” (Chaffin, Child Maltreatment, 2006, 11, 76), which makes it difficult to support the limited positive effects found. Highly vulnerable caregivers of maltreated, adopted, or fostered children are susceptible to believing the claims of improvement on fringe web sites and support networks. It now becomes the task of informed clinical scientists to disseminate knowledge of harmful therapies to the general public.



本文评估了有关依恋疗法的现有研究,并为将其视为一种潜在的有害疗法提供了额外的支持(PHT; Lilienfeld, Perspectives on Psychological Science , 2007, 2 , 53)。虽然断言它基于传统的依恋理论(Ainsworth,婴儿行为的决定因素,1963 年,纽约,纽约:威利;乌干达的婴儿期:婴儿护理和爱的成长,1967 年,马里兰州巴尔的摩:约翰霍普金斯大学出版社; Bowlby,孕产妇保健和心理健康:代表世界卫生组织编写的一份报告,作为对联合国无家可归儿童福利计划的贡献(第 2 版),1952 年,世界卫生组织;依恋与损失,卷。I:附件,1969 年,纽约,纽约:基础书籍;依恋的临床应用:一个安全的基础,1988 年,伦敦,英国:Routledge),许多当前的依恋治疗实践是强制性的和危险的。这些做法在有限的研究和使用技术的情况下运作,这些技术植根于基于证据较少的“愤怒理论”(Chaffin, Child Maltreatment , 2006, 11, 76),这使得很难支持所发现的有限的积极影响。受虐待、收养或寄养儿童的高度脆弱的照顾者容易相信边缘网站和支持网络上的改进声明。现在,向公众传播有害疗法的知识已成为知情的临床科学家的任务。