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Tobacco in the Erbario Estense and other Renaissance evidence of the Columbian taxon in Italy
Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s12210-020-00959-x
Chiara Beatrice Vicentini , Fabrizio Buldrini , Carlo Romagnoli , Giovanna Bosi

The Erbario Estense, preserved in the Archivio Segreto Estense (Modena State Archives, Italy), is one of the very few sixteenth century herbaria still existing today. Among its exsiccata are a dozen species coming from the Americas, one of which is tobacco. The author of the specimen calls the plant Tabacho, ouer Herba Regina; Camus and Penzig, in the late nineteenth century, identify it as Nicotiana tabacum and affirm that it could be the most ancient direct proof of the presence of this plant in Italy. Today, attribution of the specimen to the above-mentioned species is certain and, according to the studies carried out for the present research, only three other sixteenth century exsiccata of N. tabacum still exist, all of them preserved in the Erbario Aldrovandi in Bologna. Therefore, the specimen of the Erbario Estense is extremely precious from a historical and scientific viewpoint. Tobacco was certainly known by the simplists who were working at that epoch in the lively scientific and medical environment of Ferrara, even if, according to documentary sources, real pharmacological use of the plant seems to have taken place only in successive phases.


Erbario Estense中的烟草和意大利哥伦比亚分类单元的其他文艺复兴时期证据

Erbario埃斯滕泽,在ARCHIVIO Segreto酒店埃斯滕泽(摩德纳国家档案局,意大利)保存,是极少数十六世纪植物标本馆今天仍然存在的一个。它的exsiccata中有十二种来自美洲的物种,其中之一是烟草。标本的作者称植物Tabacho,ouer Herba Regina;加缪(Camus)和彭齐格(Penzig)在19世纪后期将其识别为烟草,并确认这可能是该植物在意大利存在的最古老直接证据。今天,试样的上述品种的归属是一定的,而根据本研究进行的研究中,只有其他三个十六世纪exsiccata烟草仍然存在,所有这些都保存在博洛尼亚的Erbario Aldrovandi。因此,从历史和科学的角度来看,Erbario Estense的标本极为珍贵。在费拉拉(Ferrara)活跃的科学和医学环境中工作的那个时代,最简朴的人当然知道烟草,即使根据文献资料,该植物的真正药理学用途似乎只是在连续的阶段才发生的。
