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Critical heat engines in massive gravity
Classical and Quantum Gravity ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-26 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/abb2d1
Pavan Kumar Yerra , Chandrasekhar Bhamidipati

With in the extended thermodynamics, we study the efficiency $\eta_k$ of critical heat engines for charged black holes in massive gravity for spherical ($k=1$), flat ($k=0$) and hyperbolic ($k=-1$) topologies. Although, $\eta_k$ is in general higher (lower) for hyperbolic (spherical) topology, we show that this order can be reversed in critical heat engines with efficiency higher for spherical topology, following in particular the order: $ \eta_{\rm -1}^{\phantom{-1}} < \eta_{\rm 0}^{\phantom{0}} < \eta_{\rm +1}^{\phantom{+1}}$. Furthermore, the study of the near horizon region of the critical hole shows that, apart from the known $q\rightarrow \infty $ condition, additional scalings of massive gravity parameters, based on the topology of the geometry are required, to reveal the presence of a fully decoupled Rindler space-time with vanishing cosmological constant.



在扩展热力学中,我们研究了球形($k=1$)、平面($k=0$)和双曲线($k=- 1$) 拓扑。尽管对于双曲(球形)拓扑,$\eta_k$ 通常较高(较低),但我们表明,该顺序可以在临界热机中颠倒,球形拓扑的效率更高,特别是以下顺序:$ \eta_{\ rm -1}^{\phantom{-1}} < \eta_{\rm 0}^{\phantom{0}} < \eta_{\rm +1}^{\phantom{+1}}$。此外,对临界孔近地平线区域的研究表明,除了已知的 $q\rightarrow\infty $ 条件外,还需要根据几何拓扑对大量重力参数进行额外缩放,