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100 Years Ago in the American Ornithologists’ Union
Ornithology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-25 , DOI: 10.1093/auk/ukaa061
Leesia C Marshall 1

As in the past, most of the 90 Recent Literature reviews were done by Editor Witmer Stone while W. L. McAtee completed 7 and T. S. “Tombstone” Palmer completed 2. The number of papers reviewed nearly equaled the number of books. Reviews included reports, checklists, and pamphlets. Stone was also responsible for completing the lists, short reviews, and synopses that made up the quarterly sections titled Ornithological Journals, Ornithological Articles in Other Journals, and Additional Publications Received, the last a list of publications that had not arrived in time for inclusion in a given issue. In the January issue of The Auk that year, a footnote accompanied the section stating it would be shortened in future issues with only those publications that would not be reviewed listed (37:178). The change may have given Stone some small reprieve from the heavy editorial duties that resulted from his insistence on accomplishing all of the above and more without assistance (Sterling and Ainley 2016).



与过去一样,最近的90篇近期文学评论都是由编辑Witmer Stone完成的,而WL McAtee则完成了7篇,TS“ Tombstone” Palmer的完成了2篇。评论包括报告,清单和小册子。斯通还负责完成清单,简短评论和提要,这些清单构成了季刊部分,标题为“鸟类学期刊”,“其他期刊中的鸟类学文章”和“收到的其他出版物”,最后一个是未及时纳入的出版物清单。给定的问题。在The Auk一月号中那年,该节的脚注指出,在以后的期刊中,将只对那些不予评论的出版物予以缩短(37:178)。这一变化可能使斯通从繁重的编辑职责中获得了一些缓解,这是由于他坚持完成以上所有任务,而在没有帮助的情况下又完成了更多任务(Sterling and Ainley 2016)。