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Design and optimization of a solely renewable based hybrid energy system for residential electrical load and fuel cell electric vehicle
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jestch.2020.08.017
Sunay Turkdogan

Abstract Due to increasing energy demand, limited fossil fuels and increasing greenhouse gasses people is in need for alternative energy sources to have a sustainable world. The objective of this study is to look for alternative solutions and design a hybrid energy system to meet any energy needs of a single family house including both utility and transportation. The system is designed and optimized using HOMER software. According to the optimization studies, levelized cost of electricity and hydrogen production was found to be 0.685$/kWh and 6.85$/kg, respectively and the cost of hydrogen which is half of its market price is very attractive. To project possible future costs in advance, sensitivity analysis was carried out and the results show that when the main components’ price decays to the half, both costs of energy will be reduced by 26.4%. This implies that further decrease on the components’ cost would bring the cost of energy to the level of energy produced by fossil fuels or even lower. Hydrogen would also be produced with much lower and tempting price. It is important to note that energy used by residential electrical load and fuel cell electric car in this study was generated by sole renewable energies and the system consumes zero fossil fuels, thus emitting no greenhouse gasses. The study considering both utility and transportation simultaneously is believed to be the first on a small scale and to attract the interest of everyone.



摘要 由于不断增长的能源需求、有限的化石燃料和不断增加的温室气体,人们需要替代能源来拥有一个可持续发展的世界。本研究的目的是寻找替代解决方案并设计混合能源系统,以满足单户住宅的任何能源需求,包括公用事业和交通。该系统使用HOMER软件进行设计和优化。根据优化研究,发现电力和氢气生产的平准化成本分别为 0.685 美元/千瓦时和 6.85 美元/千克,氢气成本仅为其市场价格的一半,非常有吸引力。为了提前预测未来可能的成本,进行了敏感性分析,结果表明,当主要部件的价格下降到一半时,能源成本将降低26.4%。这意味着进一步降低组件成本将使能源成本达到化石燃料生产的能源水平,甚至更低。氢气也将以低得多且诱人的价格生产。值得注意的是,本研究中住宅用电负载和燃料电池电动汽车使用的能源是由唯一的可再生能源产生的,系统消耗的化石燃料为零,因此不排放温室气体。这项同时考虑公用事业和交通的研究被认为是第一个小规模的研究,并吸引了所有人的兴趣。值得注意的是,本研究中住宅用电负载和燃料电池电动汽车使用的能源是由唯一的可再生能源产生的,该系统消耗的化石燃料为零,因此不排放温室气体。这项同时考虑公用事业和交通的研究被认为是第一个小规模的研究,并吸引了所有人的兴趣。值得注意的是,本研究中住宅用电负载和燃料电池电动汽车使用的能源是由唯一的可再生能源产生的,系统消耗的化石燃料为零,因此不排放温室气体。这项同时考虑公用事业和交通的研究被认为是第一个小规模的研究,并吸引了所有人的兴趣。