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De-simplifying single-tablet antiretroviral treatments for cost savings in France: From the patient perspectives to a 6-month follow-up on generics
PLOS ONE ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-25 , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239704
Jean-Stephane Giraud , Melanie Doisne , Aurelie Chan Hew Wai , Catherine Majerholc , Erwan Fourn , Karine Sejean , Julie Trichereau , Brigitte Bonan , David Zucman

In developed countries, most people living with HIV/AIDS are treated with costly brand single-tablet regimens. Given the economic impact, French guidelines recommend using generic antiretroviral therapy when possible to decrease antiretroviral therapy costs. We aimed to study HIV-infected patients’ acceptability to switch from a brand single-tablet regimens [abacavir/lamivudine/dolutegravir (Triumeq®) or emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/rilpivirine (Eviplera®)] to a treatment comprising of two pills: one is a fixed-dose generic combination of 2 Nucleoside Analogs and the second tablet is the third antiretroviral. This study was a prospective observational study in a French hospital. During their follow-up, patients on stable single-tablet regimens were made aware of the possible cost-saving. They were questioned about their willingness and barriers accepting the substitution. Participants chose between the two regimens, either to remain on single-tablet regimens or switch to the de-simplified regimen. Six months later, a second survey was given to the patient who chose to de-simplify and HIV viral load was controlled. The study included 98 patients: 60 receiving emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/rilpivirine (Eviplera®) and 38 on abacavir/lamivudine/dolutegravir (Triumeq®). Forty-five patients accepted the de-simplified treatment, 37 refused and 16 were undecided and followed the decision offered by their physician. The main reason for unwillingness to switch is the number of pills (77.3%). In multivariate model analysis, male patients (p = 0.001) who have taken antiretroviral therapy for over 20 years (p = 0.04) and who retrieve their treatment in their community hospital (p = 0.03) are more likely to accept the switch. Fifty-one patients accepted to replace their single-tablet regimens and six months later, the majority was satisfied; only four returned to single-tablet regimens because of suspected side effects. Half of the people living with HIV/AIDS in our cohort accepted to switch from brand single-tablet regimens to a two-tablet regimen containing generic drugs within a process that emphasizes health expenditure savings.



在发达国家,大多数艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者都接受了昂贵的品牌单片疗法。考虑到经济影响,法国指南建议尽可能使用通用抗逆转录病毒疗法,以降低抗逆转录病毒疗法的费用。我们的目的是从一个品牌的单片剂方案[阿巴卡韦/拉米夫定/ dolutegravir(Triumeq研究艾滋病毒感染的患者可接受到开关®)或恩曲他滨/富马酸替诺福韦酯/利匹韦林(Eviplera ®)]由两种药组成的疗法:一种是2种核苷类似物的固定剂量通用组合,第二种是第三种抗逆转录病毒药物。这项研究是一家法国医院的前瞻性观察性研究。在随访过程中,使患者采用稳定的单片治疗方案可以节省成本。他们被问及接受替代品的意愿和障碍。参加者在两种治疗方案之间进行选择,要么继续使用单片治疗方案,要么转向简化治疗方案。六个月后,对选择简化治疗并控制了HIV病毒载量的患者进行了第二次调查。该研究包括98名患者:60接受恩曲他滨/富马酸替诺福韦酯/利匹韦林(Eviplera ®)和38上阿巴卡韦/拉米夫定/ dolutegravir(Triumeq ®)。四十五名患者接受了简化治疗,其中三十七名患者拒绝接受治疗,十六名患者仍未决定,他们遵循了医生的决定。不愿意换药的主要原因是吃药的人数(77.3%)。在多变量模型分析中,接受抗逆转录病毒治疗超过20年(p = 0.04)并在社区医院接受治疗的男性患者(p = 0.001)(p = 0.03)更可能接受转换。51名患者接受替代单片治疗,六个月后,大多数患者感到满意。由于怀疑有副作用,只有四次返回单片治疗方案。
