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Artificial Wetlands as Breeding Habitats for Colonial Waterbirds within Central Romania
Diversity ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-25 , DOI: 10.3390/d12100371
Dan Traian Ionescu , Călin Vasile Hodor , Ion Cătălin Petritan

The historical loss of natural wetlands in Romania is significant. The building of lakes, ponds, and dams has compensated for some of these losses, as was the case in the study area, the artificial wetlands designated as the Natura 2000 (special protection area, SPA) and Ramsar sites. In this context, to evaluate the conservation status of colonial waterbirds (cormorants, herons, and egrets), we analyzed actual distributions, habitat selection, features, and population sizes. Standardized counting of colonial species was used, supplemented by nest counting and colony-area estimation during winter, and drone footage. All species and their colonies were built in artificial or anthropically influenced habitats. Concerning distribution and population sizes, Phalacrocorax carbo and Microcarbo pygmeus were found to nest only in central Romania. The pair numbers of Ardea alba, Ardea purpurea, Ardea cinerea, and Nycticorax nycticorax in the area exceeded 1% of the national minimum breeding population. There was a statistically significant positive trend of breeding populations for Ardea alba, Nycticorax nycticorax, and Egretta garzetta. In conclusion, these artificial wetlands offer optimal breeding conditions for a relatively large diversity of colonial bird species over areas that are not very large.



罗马尼亚自然湿地的历史损失是巨大的。湖泊,池塘和水坝的建造弥补了其中的一些损失,就像研究区,被指定为Natura 2000的人工湿地(特别保护区,SPA)和拉姆萨尔遗址一样。在这种情况下,为了评估殖民地水鸟(cor,鹭和白鹭)的保护状况,我们分析了实际分布,栖息地选择,特征和种群数量。使用了殖民地物种的标准化计数,并在冬季对巢穴计数和殖民地面积估计以及无人机镜头进行了补充。所有物种及其殖民地都建立在人工或人类影响的栖息地中。关于分布和种群大小,蝴蝶alaMicrocarbo pygmeus被发现仅在罗马尼亚中部筑巢。该地区的阿尔德阿尔巴Aldea alba)紫罗兰(Ardea purpurea)灰质苍蝇Ardea cinerea)和夜蛾(Nycticorax nycticorax)对的数量超过了全国最小繁殖种群的1%。阿尔德(Aldea alba)夜蛾(Nycticorax nycticorax)白鹭(Egretta garzetta)的繁殖种群在统计上具有显着的积极趋势。总之,这些人工湿地为不是很大的地区上相对大量的殖民地鸟类提供了最佳的繁殖条件。