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Mobilization of soil inorganic phosphorus and stimulation of crop phosphorus uptake and growth induced by Ceriporia lacerata HG2011
Geoderma ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114690
Jie Yin , Zong-ming Sui , Jian-guo Huang

Abstract The high-quality phosphorus (P) rocks on Earth may be depleted within the next fifty years. Hence, it is important to search for microbes that are effective in mobilizing soil legacy P. Therefore, a novel fungal strain (Ceriporia lacerata HG2011) was isolated and identified based on morphology and molecular biology. Then, liquid culture, soil incubation and field experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of this fungus on P mobilization and crop growth and P uptake in an eggplant-sweet sorghum rotation system. In the liquid culture experiment, P dissolved from Ca3(PO4)2 by fungal proton efflux accounted at least for 86.35% of the total dissolved P and the remainder was released by organic acids. As C. lacerata HG2011 grew on the soil surface, water-soluble P and Olsen P increased as the soil pH decreased. Fungal inoculation increased soil water-soluble P by 13.79–28.85 % and Olsen P by 4.12–17.82% compared to the uninoculated treatment. Compared to the use of chemical fertilizers alone, the field application of fungal inoculant in combination with chemical fertilizers at the time of eggplant transplantation increased crop P uptake by 10.03–29.48%, eggplant fruit yield by 6.83–16.07% and sweet sorghum shoot biomass by 12.59–18.42%. Olsen P and enzyme activities, including those of phosphatase, protease, urease and cellulase, were also significantly increased, probably indicating the stimulation of organic mineralization, releasing available P. To our knowledge, this is the first work providing information on soil P mobilization by C. lacerata, and on the potential use of this fungus as a biofertilizer in sustainable agriculture.



摘要 地球上的优质磷(P)岩可能在未来五十年内枯竭。因此,重要的是寻找能够有效调动土壤遗留 P 的微生物。因此,基于形态学和分子生物学分离和鉴定了一种新的真菌菌株(Ceriporia lacerata HG2011)。然后,通过液体培养、土壤孵化和田间试验,研究了这种真菌对茄子-甜高粱轮作系统​​中磷动员和作物生长和磷吸收的影响。在液体培养实验中,真菌质子外流从Ca3(PO4)2中溶解的P至少占总溶解P的86.35%,其余由有机酸释放。随着 C. lacerata HG2011 在土壤表面生长,水溶性 P 和 Olsen P 随着土壤 pH 值的降低而增加。与未接种处理相比,接种真菌使土壤水溶性 P 增加了 13.79-28.85%,Olsen P 增加了 4.12-17.82%。与单独施用化肥相比,在茄子移栽时田间施用真菌接种剂与化肥相结合,可使作物吸磷量提高10.03%~29.48%,茄子果实产量提高6.83%~16.07%,甜高粱茎秆生物量提高12.59–18.42%。Olsen P 和酶活性,包括磷酸酶、蛋白酶、脲酶和纤维素酶的活性,也显着增加,可能表明刺激了有机矿化,释放了可用 P。据我们所知,这是第一个提供土壤 P 动员信息的工作C. lacerata,以及这种真菌在可持续农业中作为生物肥料的潜在用途。