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Multidisciplinary approach for assessment of the factors affecting geohazard in karst valley: the case study of Gravina di Petruscio (Apulia, South Italy)
Environmental Earth Sciences ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s12665-020-09212-y
Gioacchino Francesco Andriani , Lidia Loiotine

Management plans, actions and strategies for preventing and mitigating natural disasters require detailed information on natural and human-induced geohazards for the area under evaluation. Karst areas are particularly prone to instability due to the natural fragility of their environment but are also vulnerable due to human activity. In-depth studies of the factors controlling mass movement processes, including land use over time, become crucial for understanding instability mechanisms and future landscape evolution, as well as for designing preventive measures and control techniques. The Murge area, in the central part of Apulia (South Italy), is crossed by a vast network of dry valleys, locally named lame and gravine, whose morphology may resemble the most well-known canyons and gorges of the world. The genesis of these dry valleys is controversial and still the subject of continued debate, although their origin is directly related to the geostructural setting and the uplift of the Apulia foreland since the middle Pleistocene. Each of these karst valleys has particular morphometric characteristics as well as their own morpho-evolutionary history strongly linked to the different types of fault or fracture on which they developed. Also, geological and geotechnical characteristics of the rock substrate channel, and historic human-made slope excavation or remodeling play an important role. Unfortunately, several tragic events which occurred during the last decades have shown the susceptibility of the Apulian dry valleys to natural hazards, sometimes caused by human activities. This paper proposes, by means of a case study on a dry valley called Gravina di Petruscio in the Arco Ionico Tarantino subregion, a multidisciplinary approach using traditional methods of investigation and combining results to arrive at a critical appraisal of information that are suitable for a geohazard susceptibility analysis in karst environments. Geological, geostructural and geomechanical surveys, together with petrographic observations in thin sections of the outcropping materials, allow to understand the genesis of the valley and then its evolution mainly due to slope retreat processes. Both sides of the valley have been found to be affected by planar slides, wedge slides, direct toppling and falls, while the caves, mostly modified by humans, are affected by thinning, spalling and crushing of pillars, and partial or total collapse of cave roofs. The predisposing and triggering factors of the most common mass movements are presented and discussed. Mitigation and prevention measures for future planning, and remedial engineering structures are reported.


评估喀斯特山谷地质灾害影响因素的多学科方法:Gravina di Petruscio(南意大利普利亚)的案例研究

预防和减轻自然灾害的管理计划,行动和战略需要有关被评估地区自然和人为造成的地质灾害的详细信息。喀斯特地区由于其自然脆弱的环境特别容易造成不稳定,但由于人类活动也很脆弱。深入研究控制大规模迁徙过程的因素,包括一段时间内的土地使用,对于理解不稳定机制和未来景观演变以及设计预防措施和控制技术至关重要。该Murge区,普利亚(意大利南部)的中央部分,由干谷的一个庞大的网络,在当地称为交叉跛脚gravine,其形态可能类似于世界上最著名的峡谷和峡谷。尽管干燥谷的起源与中更新世以来的普利亚前陆的地质构造环境和隆升直接相关,但这些干旱谷的成因一直是有争议的,并且仍然是不断争论的话题。这些岩溶山谷中的每一个都具有特殊的形态特征以及它们自己的形态演化历史,这些历史与它们所发育的不同类型的断层或裂缝密切相关。同样,岩石基底通道的地质和岩土特征以及历史悠久的人造斜坡开挖或改建也起着重要作用。不幸的是,过去几十年发生的几起悲剧性事件表明,普利亚干旱谷容易受到自然灾害的影响,有时是由于人类活动造成的。本文通过在一个干旱谷地的案例研究中提出Gravina di PetruscioArco Ionico Tarantino中次区域,一种多学科方法,使用传统的调查方法并结合结果以对信息进行严格评估,这些信息适用于岩溶环境中的地质灾害敏感性分析。地质,地质构造和地质力学勘测,再加上在露头材料的薄片中进行的岩石学观测,可以了解山谷的成因,然后了解其演化,这主要是由于斜坡退缩过程所致。已发现山谷的两面都受到平面滑坡,楔形滑坡,直接倾倒和跌落的影响,而大多数人为改造的洞穴受到支柱变薄,剥落和压碎以及洞穴部分或全部塌陷的影响屋顶。介绍并讨论了最常见的群众运动的诱因和触发因素。
