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The Reproductive Ecology of the Bank Vole Myodes ( Clethrionomys ) glareolus Schreb. in North Periphery of Its Areal: I. Sex Cycles, Course, Dates, and Intensive Reproduction
Biology Bulletin ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-24 , DOI: 10.1134/s1062359020050040
E. V. Ivanter


A characterization of long-term station and field studies (1958–2017) on the tiaga in northwestern Russia is given for the population-ecology features of reproduction of the bank vole, including those associated with its habitat at the northern borders of its distribution: reproductive cycles and the timing, course, and intensity of reproduction. According to the dates, including from the results of histological examination of the gonads, under the conditions of the northern periphery of its range, the bank vole has a long breeding period from April to September with the very intensive participation of young fertile voles, especially early spring–summer births. The male reproductive cycle has a stage of passive spermatogenesis with a rapid increase in the epithelium and the appearance of spermatocytes of both orders. From April, active spermatogenesis occurs, during which the epithelium of germinal becomes layered and mature spermatozoa appear in the tubules and appendages of the testis. Ovulation in females, apparently, is spontaneous, as is evidenced by cases of the presence of a false corpus luteum in adult (overwintered) females, as well as in newcomers, the reproduction of which is interrupted by seasonal depression. The average duration of the sexual cycle is 5–6 days; the maximum is about two weeks. In this article a function of population autoregulation, which depends on the initial population density of the adaptive shift involved in the reproduction of age-related generations of animals, is revealed.


银河田鼠的生殖生态学(Clethrionomys)glareolus Schreb。在地缘的北缘:I.性周期,病程,日期和密集繁殖


针对俄罗斯田鼠繁殖的种群生态特征,包括与分布北部边界的栖息地相关的特征,对俄罗斯西北部的tiaga进行了长期的站和田间研究(1958–2017):生殖周期以及繁殖的时间,过程和强度。根据日期,包括性腺的组织学检查结果,在其北部边缘的条件下,河岸田鼠的繁殖期从四月到九月很长,年轻的可育田鼠非常活跃。早春至夏季出生。雄性生殖周期具有被动精子发生的阶段,其上皮和精子细胞的数量迅速增加。从四月开始 发生活跃的精子发生,在此过程中生发的上皮分层,在睾丸的小管和附件中出现成熟的精子。显然,雌性的排卵是自发的,成年(越冬)雌性以及新移民中存在假黄体的情况就可以证明这一点。性周期的平均持续时间为5-6天;最长约两个星期。在本文中,揭示了种群自动调节的功能,该功能取决于与年龄相关的几代动物的繁殖所涉及的适应性转变的初始种群密度。显然,它是自发的,如成年(越冬)雌性以及新移民中存在假黄体的情况所证明的那样,其繁殖由于季节性抑郁而中断。性周期的平均持续时间为5-6天;最长约两个星期。在本文中,揭示了种群自动调节的功能,该功能取决于与年龄相关的几代动物的繁殖所涉及的适应性转变的初始种群密度。显然,它是自发的,如成年(越冬)雌性以及新移民中存在假黄体的情况所证明的那样,其繁殖由于季节性抑郁而中断。性周期的平均持续时间为5-6天;最长约两个星期。在本文中,揭示了种群自动调节的功能,该功能取决于与年龄相关的几代动物的繁殖所涉及的适应性转变的初始种群密度。
