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Development of ancient cultures and paleoenvironment during the Eneolithic Period and the Early Bronze Age in the Southern Cis-Urals steppe (Russia)
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-020-01197-w
N. L. Morgunova , O. S. Khokhlova

Multidisciplinary research undertaken on archeological sites in the Southern Cis-Urals steppe resulted in the identification of six distinct ‘chronosections’, i.e., chronological intervals within the period of the 5th–3rd millennium BC. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction showed that the first half of this period was predominately arid, whereas the second half was humid. The arid phase, which included chronosections I, II (the Samara culture of the Middle and Late Eneolithic Period) and III (the early stage of the Pit-Grave culture of the Early Bronze Age), was characterized by a sharply continental paleoclimate that was drier than the modern climate within the study area. During the arid phase, there were profound changes in the occupations of the indigenous ancient people, e.g. cattle farming of the Samara culture changed to nomadic herding of cattle at the early stage of the Pit-Grave culture, which was associated with the construction of burial mounds. The humid phase (chronosections IV, V and VI corresponding to advanced and late stages of the Pit-Grave culture of the Early Bronze Age) was wetter and less continental than the modern climate within the study area.



在南奇-乌拉尔草原的考古遗址上进行的多学科研究导致确定了六个不同的“年代剖面”,即在公元前5至3世纪期间的年代间隔。古环境重建表明,这一时期的前半段主要是干旱的,而后半段是潮湿的。干旱阶段包括年代剖面I,II(中石器时代后期的萨马拉文化)和III(青铜时代早期深坑文化的早期),其特征是大陆性的古气候急剧变化。比研究区域内的现代气候更干燥。在干旱时期,土著古代人的职业发生了深刻的变化,例如 萨马拉文化的养牛业在深坑文化的早期转变为游牧牛群,这与墓葬的建造有关。湿润时期(与青铜时代早期深坑文化的晚期有关的IV,V和VI年代剖面)比研究区域内的现代气候湿润,大陆性程度较低。
