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Social Judgments of Digitally Manipulated Stuttered Speech: Cognitive Heuristics Drive Implicit and Explicit Bias
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1044/2020_jslhr-20-00188
Jennifer M Roche 1 , Hayley S Arnold 1 , Ashley M Ferguson 1

Purpose People who stutter are susceptible to discrimination, stemming from negative stereotypes and social misattributions. There has been a recent push to evaluate the underlying explicit and implicit cognitive mechanisms associated with social judgments, moving away from only evaluating explicit social bias about people who stutter. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate how listeners change their implicit and explicit social (mis)attributions after hearing a people who stutter produce disfluent speech. Method The current project was an adaptation of the Byrd et al. (2017) study to evaluate listener implicit/explicit social judgments of stuttered speech across five categories (i.e., confidence, friendliness, intelligence, distractibility, and extroversion) before and after a stuttering self-disclosure. This was done by implementing a modified version of the Ferguson et al. (2019) computer mouse-tracking paradigm. Results Consistent with previous findings, participants made more explicit positive social judgments of confidence, friendliness, extroversion, and intelligence after a stuttering self-disclosure, but the distractedness category was resistant to change. Also consistent with previous findings, participants experienced a higher degree of cognitive competition (i.e., higher area under the curve) shortly after self-disclosure, which lessened over time. Conclusions Explicit and implicit biases exist, but self-disclosure significantly impacts the cognitive system of listeners. Specifically, self-disclosure may reduce explicit bias through experience and explicit belief updating, but when cognitive heuristics are strong, implicit bias may be slower to change.



目的口吃的人很容易受到负面刻板印象和社会错误归因造成的歧视。最近有人在推动评估与社会判断相关的潜在的显性和隐性认知机制,而不仅仅是评估对口吃者的显性社会偏见。本研究的目的是评估听众在听到口吃者发出不流利的言语后如何改变他们的隐性和显性的社会(错误)归因。 方法当前的项目是对伯德等人。(2017)这项研究旨在评估听众在口吃自我表露前后对口吃言语的内隐/外显社会判断,涵盖五个类别(即自信、友好、智力、注意力分散和外向)。这是通过实施修改版本来完成的弗格森等人。(2019)计算机鼠标跟踪范例。 结果与之前的研究结果一致,参与者在结结巴巴的自我表露后对自信、友善、外向和智力做出了更明确的积极社会判断,但分心类别难以改变。与之前的研究结果一致,参与者在自我表露后不久经历了更高程度的认知竞争(即曲线下面积更大),但随着时间的推移,这种竞争程度逐渐减弱。 结论存在显性和隐性偏见,但自我表露会显着影响听众的认知系统。具体来说,自我表露可以通过经验和显性信念更新来减少显性偏见,但当认知启发很强时,隐性偏见的改变可能会更慢。