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Gaze-Dependent Simulation of Light Perception in Virtual Reality.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-17 , DOI: 10.1109/tvcg.2020.3023604
Laura R. Luidolt , Michael Wimmer , Katharina Krosl

The perception of light is inherently different inside a virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) simulation when compared to the real world. Conventional head-worn displays (HWDs) are not able to display the same high dynamic range of brightness and color as the human eye can perceive in the real world. To mimic the perception of real-world scenes in virtual scenes, it is crucial to reproduce the effects of incident light on the human visual system. In order to advance virtual simulations towards perceptual realism, we present an eye-tracked VR/AR simulation comprising effects for gaze-dependent temporal eye adaption, perceptual glare, visual acuity reduction, and scotopic color vision. Our simulation is based on medical expert knowledge and medical studies of the healthy human eye. We conducted the first user study comparing the perception of light in a real-world low-light scene to a VR simulation. Our results show that the proposed combination of simulated visual effects is well received by users and also indicate that an individual adaptation is necessary, because perception of light is highly subjective.



与现实世界相比,在虚拟现实(VR)或增强现实(AR)模拟中,光的感知本质上是不同的。常规的头戴式显示器(HWD)不能显示出人眼在现实世界中可以看到的相同的高动态范围亮度和色彩。为了模仿虚拟场景中对真实场景的感知,至关重要的是复制入射光对人类视觉系统的影响。为了使虚拟模拟朝着感知现实的方向发展,我们提出了一种眼动追踪的VR / AR模拟,其中包括针对依赖视线的暂时性眼部适应,感知眩光,视敏度降低和暗视彩色视觉的效果。我们的模拟基于医学专家知识和对人眼健康的医学研究。我们进行了首次用户研究,将现实世界中的弱光场景中的光线感知与VR模拟进行了比较。我们的结果表明,拟议的模拟视觉效果组合深受用户好评,并且表明个人适应是必要的,因为对光的感知是高度主观的。