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On the Incongruence between Psychometric and Psychosocial-Biodemographic Measures of Life History.
Human Nature ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s12110-020-09377-2
Janko Međedović 1

In evolutionary psychology, it is customary to measure life-history via psychometric inventories such as the Arizona Life History Battery (ALHB). The validity of this approach has been questioned: it is argued that these measures are not congruent with biological life history events, such as the number of children, age at first birth, or pubertal timing. However, empirical data to test this critique are lacking. We therefore administered the ALHB to a convenience sample of young adults in Serbia (N = 447). We also collected information on psychosocial-biodemographic life history parameters closely related to biological life history traits: pubertal timing, onset of sexual behavior, short- and long-term mating, number of children, timing of reproduction, parenthood values, and environmental harshness. We found that correlations between these two sets of measures were rare, unsystematic, and mostly low in magnitude. Stable patterns of relations emerged only between the indicators of environmental conditions from both sets of measures. Furthermore, some ALHB indicators were found to be positively related with early fertility, which is incongruent with the conceptual foundation of ALHB. Finally, network analysis and factor analysis within each set of measures revealed different structures and that the hypothesis of unidimensionality, on which the ALHB was founded, cannot be applied to psychosocial-biodemographic life history indicators. Our results support the critique of ALHB as a set of measures lacking validity to capture biodemographic life-history parameters. ALHB measures are indeed relevant for understanding life-history variation, but they cannot be used as a substitute for specific life history characteristics. Our findings are a warning to researchers to use direct measures of biological events in order to measure life-history dynamics.



在进化心理学中,习惯上通过心理测量清单(例如,亚利桑那生命历史电池(ALHB))来衡量生活历史。这种方法的有效性受到质疑:有人认为这些措施与生物学上的生命史事件(例如,孩子的数量,初生年龄或青春期)不相吻合。但是,缺乏检验这种批评的经验数据。因此,我们将ALHB应用于方便的塞尔维亚年轻人(N = 447)。我们还收集了与社会生命历史特征密切相关的心理社会人口统计学生活史参数信息:青春期时机,性行为发作,短期和长期交配,子女数量,生育时机,父母身份和环境恶劣。我们发现,这两套量度之间的相关性很罕见,缺乏系统性,而且幅度较小。两种措施中只有在环境条件指标之间才出现稳定的关系。此外,还发现一些ALHB指标与早期生育力呈正相关,这与ALHB的概念基础不符。最后,每组衡量指标中的网络分析和因素分析揭示了不同的结构,并且关于一维性的假设 ALHB所基于的基础,不能应用于心理,社会,人口统计学的生活史指标。我们的结果支持对ALHB的批评,因为ALHB缺乏足够的手段来捕获生物人口统计学的生活史参数。ALHB度量确实与了解生活史变异有关,但不能代替特定的生活史特征。我们的发现向研究人员发出警告,警告他们使用生物事件的直接量度来衡量生命历史动态。但是它们不能代替特定的生活史特征。我们的发现向研究人员发出警告,警告他们使用生物事件的直接量度来衡量生命历史动态。但是它们不能代替特定的生活史特征。我们的发现向研究人员发出警告,警告他们使用生物事件的直接量度来衡量生命历史动态。