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Aerodynamic and Acoustic Voice Measures Before and After an Acute Public Speaking Stressor
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.1044/2020_jslhr-19-00252
Brittany L Perrine 1 , Ronald C Scherer 2

Purpose The goal of this study was to determine if differences in stress system activation lead to changes in speaking fundamental frequency, average oral airflow, and estimated subglottal pressure before and after an acute, psychosocial stressor. Method Eighteen vocally healthy adult females experienced the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) to activate the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. The TSST includes public speaking and performing mental arithmetic in front of an audience. At seven time points, three before the stressor and four after the stressor, the participants produced /pa/ repetitions, read the Rainbow Passage, and provided a saliva sample. Measures included (a) salivary cortisol level, (b) oral airflow, (c) estimated subglottal pressure, and (d) speaking fundamental frequency from the second sentence of the Rainbow Passage. Results Ten of the 18 participants experienced a hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis response to stress as indicated by a 2.5-nmol/L increase in salivary cortisol from before the TSST to after the TSST. Those who experienced a response to stress had a significantly higher speaking fundamental frequency before and immediately after the stressor than later after the stressor. No other variable varied significantly due to the stressor. Conclusions This study suggests that the idiosyncratic and inconsistent voice changes reported in the literature may be explained by differences in stress system activation. In addition, laryngeal aerodynamic measures appear resilient to changes due to acute stress. Further work is needed to examine the influence of other stress systems and if these findings hold for dysphonic individuals.



目的本研究的目的是确定压力系统激活的差异是否会导致急性心理社会压力源前后的说话基频、平均口腔气流和估计声门下压力的变化。 方法十八名声音健康的成年女性经历了特里尔社会压力测试(TSST),以激活下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴。TSST 包括公开演讲和在观众面前进行心算。在七个时间点(其中三个在压力源之前,四个在压力源之后),参与者发出 /pa/ 重复,阅读《彩虹通道》,并提供唾液样本。测量包括(a)唾液皮质醇水平,(b)口腔气流,(c)估计声门下压力,以及(d)彩虹通道第二句话的基本频率。 结果18 名参与者中的 10 名经历了下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴对压力的反应,从 TSST 之前到 TSST 后唾液皮质醇增加了 2.5 nmol/L。那些经历过压力反应的人在压力源之前和之后立即的说话基频明显高于压力源之后。没有其他变量因压力源而发生显着变化。 结论这项研究表明,文献中报道的特殊且不一致的声音变化可能是通过压力系统激活的差异来解释的。此外,喉部空气动力学措施似乎能够适应急性压力引起的变化。需要进一步的工作来检查其他压力系统的影响,以及这些发现是否适用于发音困难的个体。