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Sediment Plasmidome of the Gulfs of Kathiawar Peninsula and Arabian Sea: Insights Gained from Metagenomics Data
Microbial Ecology ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s00248-020-01587-6
Chandrashekar Mootapally 1, 2 , Mayur S Mahajan 3 , Neelam M Nathani 2, 4

Plasmidomes have become the research area of interest for ecologists exploring bacteria rich ecosystems. Marine environments are among such niche that host a huge number of microbes and have a complex environment which pose the need to study these bacterial indicators of horizontal gene transfer events for survival and stability. The plasmid content of the metagenomics data from 8 sediment samples of the Gulfs of Kathiawar and an open Arabian Sea sample was screened. The reads corresponding to hits against the plasmid database were assembled and studied for diversity using Kraken and functional content using MG-RAST. The sequences were also checked for resistome and virulence factors. The replicon hosts were overall dominated by Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria while red algae specific to the Kutch samples. The genes encoded were dominant in the flagella motility and type VI secretion systems. Overall, results from the study confirmed that the plasmids encoded traits for metal, antibiotic, and phage resistance along with virulence systems, and these would be conferring benefit to the hosts. The study throws insights into the environmental role of the plasmidome in adaptation of the microbes in the studied sites to the environmental stresses.



