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Gender, Judicatory Respect and Pastors’ Well-Being in Closing Churches
Review of Religious Research ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s13644-020-00414-1
Gail Cafferata 1, 2

This study of over 130 clergy in five old-line Protestant denominations (Episcopal, Lutheran, United Methodist, Presbyterian and UCC) who dissolved their congregations examines the relationships of gender, judicatory respect and pastors’ well-being in their experience of closing a church and vocational transition afterwards; respondents completed a written survey and most also participated in in-depth interviews. Survey results show significant gender differences in the experience of respect from and satisfaction with relationships with the middle administrative part of the wider church called here the judicatory (e.g., synod, conference, diocese or presbytery), and with the experience of stress after their churches closed. Women clergy experienced greater loneliness and isolation, financial strain and thinking that closure affected their job search; their job search was also significantly longer than that of men. Respectful judicatory relationships are negatively related to many but not all vocational stresses. Comparisons with the experience of secular professionals suggest the stigma of closing a church adversely affects women clergy’s vocational journey more than men’s. The paper closes with implications for judicatory support of clergy leading churches to closure.



这项研究对 130 多名来自五个旧新教教派(圣公会、路德会、联合卫理公会、长老会和 UCC)的神职人员进行了研究,这些神职人员解散了他们的会众,考察了他们在关闭教堂的经历中与性别、司法尊重和牧师幸福感之间的关系以及之后的职业过渡;受访者完成了书面调查,大多数人还参加了深度访谈。调查结果显示,在尊重和满意与更广泛的教会的中间行政部门(这里称为司法机构)的关系(例如,主教会议、大会、教区或长老会)的关系以及在教会后的压力体验方面存在显着的性别差异关闭。女性神职人员经历了更大的孤独和孤立,财务压力并认为关闭影响了他们的求职;他们的求职时间也明显长于男性。尊重的司法关系与许多但不是所有的职业压力呈负相关。与世俗专业人士的经验进行比较表明,关闭教堂的耻辱对女性神职人员的职业生涯产生的不利影响大于男性。该论文最后对导致教堂关闭的神职人员的司法支持产生了影响。