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Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Sediment Loads in a Large Mediterranean Watershed
Soil Science Pub Date : 2016-07-01 , DOI: 10.1097/ss.0000000000000164
Sofia D. Nerantzaki , Georgios V. Giannakis , Nikolaos P. Nikolaidis , Ierotheos Zacharias , George P. Karatzas , Ioannis A. Sibetheros

Abstract Acheloos is the second longest and the largest, in terms of discharge, native river in Greece, supplying three hydroelectric dams along its route. The Kremasta dam, which forms the largest artificial lake in Greece, is the first dam fed by Acheloos and two other rivers. Sediment accumulation in such large reservoirs is of major concern, as it reduces storage capacity and hydropower production. In this study, the reservoir is utilized as a live record of constantly renewed sediment deposition data, which is used as a means of assessing the accumulated sediment loads originating from the watershed. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool model was combined with data from previous field surveys, which estimated the volume of deposited sediments in the reservoir. After modeling the discharge of three rivers into the Kremasta reservoir using available monthly field data from 1965 to 2001, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool was successfully calibrated against the deposited sediment mass data, accumulated at the reservoir during the first 34 years of its operation. Simulation results for a set of International Panel on Climate Change “A1B” climate change scenarios suggested a 14.6% decrease in the average rainfall on the watershed, between the 2016–2055 and 2056–2095 time periods, which induces a proportional (19.5%) decrease in flow and a milder (7.9%) decrease in the deposited sediment mass. It was also estimated that by the year 2100 the deposited sediment volume will occupy 6.1% of the effective volume of the reservoir, a value much lower than the estimated dead volume of the dam (17.4%).



摘要 Acheloos 是希腊第二长和最大的本地河流,就流量而言,它为沿途的三个水电站大坝供电。克雷马斯塔大坝形成了希腊最大的人工湖,是第一座由 Acheloos 和其他两条河流供水的大坝。如此大型水库中的沉积物堆积是一个主要问题,因为它会降低存储容量和水电生产。在这项研究中,水库被用作不断更新的沉积物沉积数据的实时记录,用作评估源自流域的累积沉积物负荷的手段。土壤和水评估工具模型与先前实地调查的数据相结合,这些数据估计了水库中沉积沉积物的体积。在使用 1965 年至 2001 年期间可用的每月现场数据对三条河流向 Kremasta 水库的排放进行建模后,土壤和水评估工具成功地根据在水库运行的前 34 年中积累的沉积物质量数据进行了校准。一组国际气候变化委员会“A1B”气候变化情景的模拟结果表明,在 2016-2055 和 2056-2095 时间段之间,流域的平均降雨量减少了 14.6%,这导致了成比例的 (19.5%)流量的减少和沉积的沉积物质量的温和减少 (7.9%)。另据估计,到2100年,沉积的泥沙量将占水库有效容积的6.1%,远低于估计的大坝死体积(17.4%)。