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ZFARED: A Database of the Antioxidant Response Elements in Zebrafish
Current Bioinformatics ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-31 , DOI: 10.2174/1574893614666191018172213
Azhwar Raghunath 1 , Raju Nagarajan 2 , Ekambaram Perumal 1

Background: Antioxidant Response Elements (ARE) play a key role in the expression of Nrf2 target genes by regulating the Keap1-Nrf2-ARE pathway, which offers protection against toxic agents and oxidative stress-induced diseases.

Objective: To develop a database of putative AREs for all the genes in the zebrafish genome. This database will be helpful for researchers to investigate Nrf2 regulatory mechanisms in detail.

Methods: To facilitate researchers functionally characterize zebrafish AREs, we have developed a database of AREs, Zebrafish Antioxidant Response Element Database (ZFARED), for all the protein-coding genes including antioxidant and mitochondrial genes in the zebrafish genome. The front end of the database was developed using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS and tested in different browsers. The back end of the database was developed using Perl scripts and Perl-CGI and Perl- DBI modules.

Results: ZFARED is the first database on the AREs in zebrafish, which facilitates fast and efficient searching of AREs. AREs were identified using the in-house developed Perl algorithms and the database was developed using HTML, JavaScript, and Perl-CGI scripts. From this database, researchers can access the AREs based on chromosome number (1 to 25 and M for mitochondria), strand (positive or negative), ARE pattern and keywords. Users can also specify the size of the upstream/promoter regions (5 to 30 kb) from transcription start site to access the AREs located in those specific regions.

Conclusion: ZFARED will be useful in the investigation of the Keap1-Nrf2-ARE pathway and its gene regulation. ZFARED is freely available at http://zfared.buc.edu.in/.






结果:ZFARED是斑马鱼中ARE的第一个数据库,它有助于快速有效地搜索ARE。使用内部开发的Perl算法识别ARE,并使用HTML,JavaScript和Perl-CGI脚本开发数据库。研究人员可以从该数据库中根据染色体编号(线粒体为1到25和M),链(正或负),ARE模式和关键字访问ARE。用户还可以指定转录起始位点上游/启动子区域的大小(5至30 kb),以访问位于那些特定区域的ARE。

