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Combination of Copper Ions and Nucleotide Generates Aggregates from Prion Protein Fragments in the N-Terminal Domain.
Protein & Peptide Letters ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-31 , DOI: 10.2174/0929866527666200225124829
Noriyuki Shiraishi 1 , Yoshiaki Hirano 1

Background: It has been previously found that PrP23-98, which contains four highly conserved octarepeats (residues 60-91) and one partial repeat (residues 92-96), polymerizes into amyloid-like and proteinase K-resistant spherical aggregates in the presence of NADPH plus copper ions.

Objective: We aimed to determine the requirements for the formation of these aggregates.

Methods: In this study, we performed an aggregation experiment using N-acetylated and Camidated PrP fragments of the N-terminal domain, Octa1, Octa2, Octa3, Octa4, PrP84−114, and PrP76−114, in the presence of NADPH with copper ions, and focused on the effect of the number of copper-binding sites on aggregation.

Results: Among these PrP fragments, Octa4, containing four copper-binding sites, was particularly effective in forming aggregates. We also tested the effect of other pyridine nucleotides and adenine nucleotides on the aggregation of Octa4. ATP was equally effective, but NADH, NADP, ADP, and AMP had no effect.

Conclusion: The phosphate group on the adenine-linked ribose moiety of adenine nucleotides and pyridine nucleotides is presumed to be essential for the observed effect on aggregation. Efficient aggregation requires the presence of the four octarepeats. These insights may be helpful in the eventual development of therapeutic agents against prion-related disorders.



背景:先前已经发现,PrP 23-98包含四个高度保守的八角豆(残基60-91)和一个部分重复(残基92-96),在其内部聚合成淀粉样蛋白和耐蛋白酶K的球形聚集体。 NADPH加铜离子的存在。


方法:在这项研究中,我们在存在NADPH的情况下,使用N末端结构域Octa1,Octa2,Octa3,Octa4,PrP 84-114和PrP 76-114的N-乙酰化和Camidated PrP片段进行了聚集实验与铜离子结合,并着重于铜结合位点数目对聚集的影响。


