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A quantitative demonstration that stellar feedback locally regulates galaxy growth
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-23 , DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa2906
Javier Zaragoza-Cardiel 1, 2 , Jacopo Fritz 3 , Itziar Aretxaga 1 , Yalia D Mayya 1 , Daniel Rosa-González 1 , John E Beckman 4, 5, 6 , Gustavo Bruzual 3 , Stephane Charlot 7

We have applied stellar population synthesis to 500 pc sized regions in a sample of 102 galaxy discs observed with the MUSE spectrograph. We derived the star formation history and analyse specifically the "recent" ($20\rm{Myr}$) and "past" ($570\rm{Myr}$) age bins. Using a star formation self-regulator model we can derive local mass-loading factors, $\eta$ for specific regions, and find that this factor depends on the local stellar mass surface density, $\Sigma_*$, in agreement with the predictions form hydrodynamical simulations including supernova feedback. We integrate the local $\eta$-$\Sigma_*$ relation using the stellar mass surface density profiles from the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G) to derive global mass-loading factors, $\eta_{\rm{G}}$, as a function of stellar mass, $M_*$. The $\eta_{\rm{G}}$-$M_*$ relation found is in very good agreement with hydrodynamical cosmological zoom-in galaxy simulations. The method developed here offers a powerful way of testing different implementations of stellar feedback, to check on how realistic are their predictions.



我们已经将恒星群合成应用于 MUSE 光谱仪观察到的 102 个星系盘样本中的 500 个大小的区域。我们推导出了恒星形成的历史,并专门分析了“最近”($20\rm{Myr}$)和“过去”($570\rm{Myr}$)年龄区间。使用恒星形成自调节器模型,我们可以推导出特定区域的局部质量载荷因子 $\eta$,并发现该因子取决于局部恒星质量表面密度 $\Sigma_*$,与预测一致形成流体动力学模拟,包括超新星反馈。我们使用来自斯皮策星系恒星结构调查 (S4G) 的恒星质量表面密度分布整合局部 $\eta$-$\Sigma_*$ 关系,以推导出全局质量载荷因子 $\eta_{\rm{G }}$,作为恒星质量的函数,$M_*$。发现的 $\eta_{\rm{G}}$-$M_*$ 关系与流体动力学宇宙学放大星系模拟非常吻合。这里开发的方法提供了一种强大的方法来测试恒星反馈的不同实现,以检查它们的预测有多现实。