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Cold-atom quantum simulator to explore pairing, condensation, and pseudogaps in extended Hubbard-Holstein models
Physical Review A ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-24 , DOI: 10.1103/physreva.102.033333
J. P. Hague , P. E. Kornilovitch , C. MacCormick

We describe a quantum simulator for the Hubbard-Holstein model (HHM), comprising two dressed Rydberg atom species held in a monolayer by independent painted potentials, predicting that boson-mediated preformed pairing and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition temperatures are experimentally accessible. The HHM is important for modeling the essential physics of unconventional superconductors. Experimentally realizable quantum simulators for HHMs are needed (1) since HHMs are difficult to solve numerically and analytically, (2) to explore how competition between electron-phonon interactions and strong repulsion affects pairing in unconventional superconductors, and (3) to understand the role of boson-mediated local pairing in pseudogaps and fermion condensates. We propose and study a quantum simulator for the HHM, using optical lattices, painted using zeros in the ac Stark shift, to control two Rydberg atom species independently within a monolayer. We predict that interactions are sufficiently tunable to probe (1) both HHMs and highly unconventional phonon-mediated repulsions, (2) the competition between intermediate-strength phonon- and Coulomb-mediated interactions, and (3) BKT transitions and preformed pairing that could be used to examine key hypotheses related to the pseudogap. We discuss how the quantum simulator can be used to investigate boson-mediated pairing and condensation of fermions in unconventional superconductors.



我们描述了一种用于Hubbard-Holstein模型(HHM)的量子模拟器,该模型包含两个经过修饰的Rydberg原子物种,它们通过独立的涂装电势保持在单层中,预测玻色子介导的预配对和Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless(BKT)跃迁温度是实验性的无障碍。HHM对于建模非常规超导体的基本物理过程很重要。需要用于实验的可实现的HHM量子模拟器(1)由于HHM难以通过数值和分析方法求解,(2)探索电子-声子相互作用与强排斥之间的竞争如何影响非常规超导体之间的配对,(3)了解其作用假间隙和费米子凝聚物中的玻色子介导的局部配对。我们提出并研究了使用光学晶格的HHM量子模拟器,使用ac Stark位移中的零进行绘制,以在单层内独立控制两个Rydberg原子种类。我们预测相互作用足够可调以探测(1)HHM和高度非常规的声子介导的排斥力;(2)中强度声子介导的库仑介导的相互作用之间的竞争;(3)BKT跃迁和预先形成的配对用于检查与伪间隙有关的关键假设。我们讨论了如何使用量子模拟器来研究玻色子介导的非常规超导体中费米子的配对和凝聚。(2)中等强度声子和库仑介导的相互作用之间的竞争,以及(3)BKT跃迁和预先配对,可用于检查与假间隙有关的关键假设。我们讨论了如何使用量子模拟器来研究玻色子介导的非常规超导体中费米子的配对和凝聚。(2)中等强度声子和库仑介导的相互作用之间的竞争,以及(3)BKT跃迁和预先配对,可用于检查与假间隙有关的关键假设。我们讨论了如何使用量子模拟器来研究玻色子介导的非常规超导体中费米子的配对和凝聚。