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Nesting behavior of the oil-collecting bee Epicharis (Triepicharis) analis Lepeletier (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in an urban area of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Journal of Apicultural Research ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-24 , DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2020.1820150
Felipe Vivallo 1

An aggregation of the oil-collecting bee Epicharis (Triepicharis) analis Lepeletier was studied at the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The nesting area occupied 609 m2 of mostly sandy flat soil. The nest architecture was relatively simple, with a main tunnel of approximately 45 cm in depth with two to five lateral tunnels ending in a single brood cell. The entrance remained open, but not always directly exposed. Adult activity lasted approximately 75 days. The females dug the tunnels, constructed the brood cells, collected provisions and laid the eggs in about three days. Diapause occurred in the postdefecating larval stage, and there was no cocoon. The cleptoparasitic apid bees Rhathymus unicolor (Smith) and Mesoplia rufipes (Perty) were registered attacking the nests. Nest architecture and the morphology of the brood cells are described and illustrated.


巴西 RJ 里约热内卢市区采油蜂 Epicharis (Triepicharis) analis Lepeletier (膜翅目:Apidae) 的筑巢行为

在巴西里约热内卢的 Jardim Botânico do 研究了采油蜜蜂 Epicharis (Triepicharis) analis Lepeletier 的集合。筑巢区占地 609 平方米,主要为沙质平坦土壤。巢结构相对简单,主隧道深约 45 厘米,有 2 到 5 条横向隧道,末端为单个育雏室。入口保持开放,但并不总是直接暴露在外。成人活动持续约 75 天。雌性在大约三天内挖隧道,建造育雏室,收集食物并产卵。排便后幼虫滞育,无茧。爬虫类蜜蜂 Rhathymus unicolor (Smith) 和 Mesoplia rufipes (Perty) 被登记攻击巢穴。