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A preliminary examination of the bacterial, archaeal, and fungal rhizosphere microbiome in healthy and Phellinus noxius-infected trees.
MicrobiologyOpen ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-24 , DOI: 10.1002/mbo3.1115
Karen Sze Wing Tsang 1 , Man Kit Cheung 2 , Regent Yau Ching Lam 1, 3 , Hoi Shan Kwan 1

Phellinus noxius is a pathogenic fungus that causes brown root rot disease, resulting in a widespread tree and crop mortality in the tropics and subtropics. Early stages of this disease are largely asymptomatic, hindering early diagnosis and effective treatment. We hypothesized that P. noxius infection would alter the rhizosphere microbiome of infected trees, based on which diagnostic biomarkers could be developed. Here, we examined for the first time the bacterial, archaeal, and fungal rhizosphere microbiome in four species of healthy and P. noxius‐infected trees (Ficus microcarpa, Celtis sinensis, Mallotus paniculatus, and Cinnamomum camphora) using high‐throughput amplicon sequencing. Results revealed the dominance of Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria in bacteria, Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota in archaea, and Ascomycota and Basidiomycota in fungi. Phellinus noxius infection did not affect the alpha diversity of the bacterial rhizosphere microbiome in all four tree species but affected that of archaea and fungi in a tree species‐dependent manner. Infection with P. noxius only affected the bacterial rhizosphere composition in M. paniculatus but not the other three tree species. By contrast, P. noxius infection affected the composition of the archaeal and fungal rhizosphere microbiome in all four tree species. Collectively, these results suggest that potential diagnostic biomarkers for brown root rot disease are tree species‐specific and should be developed based on different taxonomic groups. Our study has provided insights into the rhizosphere microbiome in healthy and P. noxius‐infected trees and laid a solid foundation for future comprehensive studies.



桑黄(Phellinus noxius)是一种致病性真菌,可引起棕根腐烂病,在热带和亚热带地区造成广泛的树木死亡和作物死亡。该病的早期基本上没有症状,妨碍了早期诊断和有效治疗。我们假设,P 诺克修斯感染将改变被感染树木的根际微生物组,在此基础上可以开发诊断性生物标记。在这里,我们首次检查了四种健康和P菌种的细菌,古细菌和真菌的根际微生物组。 noxius感染的树木(细叶榕朴树白楸,和樟脑(Cinnamomum camphora)使用高通量扩增子测序。结果表明,细菌中的变形杆菌放线菌占优势,古细菌中的CrenarchaeotaEuryarchaeota以及真菌中的AscomycotaBasidiomycota占优势。桑黄感染不会影响所有四种树种的细菌根际微生物组的α多样性,但会以树种依赖的方式影响古生菌和真菌。P感染。 noxius仅影响在根际细菌组合物中号 ic但其他三个树种除外。相比之下,P 诺克修斯感染影响了所有四种树种的古细菌和真菌根际微生物组的组成。总体而言,这些结果表明,潜在的棕根腐烂病诊断生物标志物是树种特有的,应根据不同的分类学组别进行开发。我们的研究提供了对健康和P的根际微生物组的见解。感染了 诺克修斯的树木,为以后的综合研究奠定了坚实的基础。