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Landscape structure as a mediator of ecosystem service interactions
Landscape Ecology ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10980-020-01117-2
Jesse T. Rieb , Elena M. Bennett

Management of multiple ecosystem services (ES) is complex, in part due to synergies and trade-offs among ES. Landscape configuration—the spatial arrangement of patches in a landscape—affects the provision of many ES, and may also influence the strength and direction of these interactions. Understanding how landscape configuration can influence ES interactions may provide landscape managers with a tool to promote positive interactions and avoid negative interactions among ES. We investigate the relationship between ES, their interactions, and landscape configuration across the Monteregie region of Quebec, Canada. Through this, we explore the potential for landscape configuration to serve as a tool to mediate ES interactions. We quantified seven ES at a 30 m spatial resolution across the Monteregie region of Quebec, Canada. The strength and direction of pairwise correlations in ES provision was compared across five classes of landscape configuration. We found significant variation in response to landscape configuration for almost all pairwise ES interactions. In some cases, two ES showed a trade-off in one type of landscape and a synergy in another. Response to landscape configuration varied by ES, and no single type of landscape configuration was better overall at promoting synergies and reducing trade-offs. The effect of landscape configuration was relatively small compared to the effect of land use and land cover. However, directed manipulation of landscape configuration may allow managers to enhance the provision of specific ES, or influence the strength and direction of interactions between specific pairs of ES.



多种生态系统服务 (ES) 的管理很复杂,部分原因是 ES 之间的协同作用和权衡。景观配置——景观中斑块的空间排列——影响许多 ES 的提供,也可能影响这些相互作用的强度和方向。了解景观配置如何影响 ES 交互可为景观管理者提供一种工具,以促进 ES 之间的积极互动并避免消极互动。我们调查了加拿大魁北克蒙特雷吉地区的 ES、它们的相互作用和景观配置之间的关系。通过这个,我们探索了景观配置作为调解 ES 交互工具的潜力。我们在加拿大魁北克的蒙特雷吉地区以 30 m 的空间分辨率量化了七个 ES。ES 提供中成对相关的强度和方向在五类景观配置中进行了比较。我们发现几乎所有成对 ES 交互对景观配置的响应都有显着变化。在某些情况下,两个 ES 在一种景观中表现出权衡,而在另一种景观中表现出协同作用。ES 对景观配置的反应各不相同,并且没有一种单一类型的景观配置在促进协同作用和减少权衡方面总体上更好。与土地利用和土地覆盖的影响相比,景观配置的影响相对较小。然而,景观配置的定向操纵可能允许管理者加强特定 ES 的提供,或影响特定 ES 对之间相互作用的强度和方向。