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Continuous Reasoning for Managing Next-Gen Distributed Applications
arXiv - CS - Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing Pub Date : 2020-09-22 , DOI: arxiv-2009.10245
Stefano Forti (Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Italy), Antonio Brogi (Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Italy)

Continuous reasoning has proven effective in incrementally analysing changes in application codebases within Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) software release pipelines. In this article, we present a novel declarative continuous reasoning approach to support the management of multi-service applications over the Cloud-IoT continuum, in particular when infrastructure variations impede meeting application's hardware, software, IoT or network QoS requirements. We show how such an approach brings considerable speed-ups compared to non-incremental reasoning.



事实证明,持续推理在持续集成/持续部署 (CI/CD) 软件发布管道中增量分析应用程序代码库的变化方面是有效的。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的声明式连续推理方法,以支持在 Cloud-IoT 连续体上管理多服务应用程序,特别是当基础设施变化阻碍满足应用程序的硬件、软件、IoT 或网络 QoS 要求时。我们展示了与非增量推理相比,这种方法如何带来相当大的加速。