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Kibble-Zurek mechanism from different angles: The transverse XY model and subleading scalings
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-23 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.102.104306
Björn Ladewig , Steven Mathey , Sebastian Diehl

The Kibble-Zurek mechanism describes the saturation of critical scaling upon dynamically approaching a phase transition. This is a consequence of the breaking of adiabaticity due to the scale set by the slow drive. By driving the gap parameter, this can be used to determine the leading critical exponents. But this is just the ‘tip of the iceberg:’ Driving more general couplings allows one to activate the entire universal spectrum of critical exponents. Here we establish this phenomenon and its observable phenomenology for the quantum phase transitions in an analytically solvable minimal model and the experimentally relevant transverse XY model. The excitation density is shown to host the sequence of exponents including the subleading ones in the asymptotic scaling behavior by a proper design of the geometry of the driving protocol in the phase diagram. The case of a parallel drive relative to the phase boundary can still lead to the breaking of adiabaticity, and exposes the subleading exponents in the clearest way. Complementarily to disclosing universal information, we extract the restrictions due to the nonuniversal content of the models onto the extent of the subleading scalings regimes.


