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The Variation of the Salt Concentration at the Discharge of a River into a Saline Water
Analele Universitatii "Ovidius" Constanta - Seria Matematica ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.2478/auom-2020-0023
Gheorghe Juncu 1 , Aurelian Nicola 2 , Elena Stroilă Curcă 3

Abstract A plume model is used to describe the variation of the salt concentration at the discharge of a river into a saline water. The integral model of the plume behavior consists of a set of ordinary differential equations derived from conservation of mass, momentum and salt concentration. The temperatures of the plume and ambient saline water are considered equal. The concentration of the salt in the river water is null. The saline water is assumed motionless. After release from the river, the concentration of the salt in the plume increases by mixing with the ambient saline water. The rate of mixing depends upon the local plume and ambient fluid properties such as velocity and salt concentration.



摘要 羽流模型用于描述河流排入咸水时盐分浓度的变化。羽流行为的积分模型由一组从质量、动量和盐浓度守恒导出的常微分方程组成。羽流和环境盐水的温度被认为是相等的。河水中的盐浓度为零。假定盐水是静止的。从河流中释放后,羽流中的盐分与周围的咸水混合,从而增加了盐分的浓度。混合速率取决于局部羽流和环境流体特性,例如速度和盐浓度。