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Eavesdropping of an African ground squirrel on the heterospecific alarm calls of a noisy ground‐nesting bird
Ethology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-23 , DOI: 10.1111/eth.13092
Jane M. Waterman 1, 2 , Monica Mai 1

Animals gather information about their environment from a variety of sources to enable adaptive decision‐making behaviour. Eavesdropping on heterospecific alarm calls enhances predator avoidance, reduces time spent vigilant and allows for more time on daily activities such as foraging. If the information is relevant and reliable, individuals that respond to heterospecific signals may benefit from a wider range of information at a low marginal cost. The Cape ground squirrel (Xerus inauris) and crowned lapwing (Vanellus chilensis) are ground‐dwelling species that are taxonomically distant but share similar predators, habitat and anti‐predatory behaviours. We used playback experiments of the alarm calls produced by conspecifics and lapwings to investigate the vigilance responses of adult female Cape ground squirrels. Squirrels responded with greater vigilance to both squirrel and lapwing alarm calls, and no changes of vigilance levels were observed in response to a control sound. However, contrary to our predictions, changes in vigilance and time to relax did not differ between conspecific versus heterospecific playbacks. The results from our study suggest that squirrels perceive lapwing alarm calls as relevant and reliable information and that responding to it could increase their survival.



动物从各种来源收集有关其环境的信息,以实现适应性决策行为。窃听异种警报会增强对捕食者的避免,减少花在警惕上的时间,并留出更多时间进行诸如觅食之类的日常活动。如果信息是相关且可靠的,则对异种信号做出响应的个人可能会以较低的边际成本受益于更广泛的信息。开普地松鼠(Xerus inauris)和冠冠田wing(Vanellus chilensis)是在地面上居住的物种,它们在分类学上相距遥远,但具有相似的捕食者,栖息地和反掠夺行为。我们使用了特定物种和田产生的警报呼叫的回放实验来调查成年雌海角松鼠的警惕性响应。松鼠对松鼠和田鼠报警声的警惕性都更高,并且未观察到对控制声音的警惕性变化。但是,与我们的预测相反,同种和异种回放之间的警惕性和放松时间的变化没有差异。我们的研究结果表明,松鼠将田间鸣叫视为相关且可靠的信息,对此做出反应可以提高其存活率。