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Prevalence of major wood‐decay Agaricomycetes in artificial, managed near‐natural and undisturbed forests of South Moravia, Czechia
Forest Pathology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-23 , DOI: 10.1111/efp.12636
László Benedek Dálya 1 , Petr Sedlák 1

Most wood‐decay fungi contribute to the healthy functioning of forest ecosystems, whereas others cause infectious diseases of woody plants and high economic losses for forest management. In this study, we pursued the hypothesis that pathogenic wood‐rotting Agaricomycetes occur less frequently in undisturbed forests than in managed stands, especially artificial monocultures. The prevalence of two important pathogens, Armillaria spp. and Heterobasidion annosum s.l., was assessed in managed and unmanaged beech, oak and mixed forests, and spruce plantations in South Moravia, Czechia. In addition, the presence of saproparasitic fungi in decayed wood was examined. Identification of fungal species from wood, soil, basidiome and rhizomorph samples was performed by DNA‐based methods. Possible ecological patterns in the distribution of fungi were investigated. Armillaria spp. were ubiquitous; A. cepistipes seems to act as a decomposer, A. gallica is potentially hazardous to oak stands, while A. ostoyae threatens spruce plantations. Basidiomes and epiphytic rhizomorphs of Armillaria were absent in unmanaged stands. Heterobasidion annosum s.s. and H. abietinum basidiocarps were present in 21% and 4% of managed stands, respectively, mostly on conifer stumps. Fomitopsis pinicola, Schizophyllum commune and Stereum spp. were detected in a wide range of hosts and stand types. The results indicate that near‐natural forests are less endangered by root rot disease than monoculture plantations.



大多数腐朽真菌有助于森林生态系统的健康运行,而其他腐烂真菌则引起木本植物的传染病,并给森林管理带来巨大的经济损失。在这项研究中,我们提出了这样一种假设:致病的木腐姬菌在未受干扰的森林中发生的频率比在有管理的林分(尤其是人工单一栽培)中发生的频率低。两种重要病原体,蜜环菌属的流行。和奇异参sl在德意志南部摩拉维亚的有管理和无管理的山毛榉,栎木和混交林以及云杉人工林中进行了评估。另外,检查了腐烂木材中腐生真菌的存在。通过基于DNA的方法从木材,土壤,basidiome和根瘤菌样品中鉴定真菌种类。调查了真菌分布中可能的生态模式。蜜环菌属 无处不在;cepistipes似乎可以分解,而A. gallica可能对橡树林有害,而ostostae则威胁到云杉人工林。在不受管理的林分中没有蜜环菌的基序和附生的根形。异源异化人工林和单生山楂基茎果皮分别占管理林分的21%和4%,主要分布在针叶树桩上。拟南芥,Schizophyllum comeuneStereum spp。在各种各样的主持人和展位类型中被检测到。结果表明,与单一种植人工林相比,近自然森林受根腐病的危害较小。