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Influence of Forest Shelterbelts on Local Pedodiversity (Belgorod Oblast)
Eurasian Soil Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-23 , DOI: 10.1134/s1064229320090161
M. A. Smirnova , A. N. Gennadiev , Yu. G. Chendev , R. G. Kovach


Detailed mapping of soils under a multi-row 4-km-long 50-year-old forest shelterbelt crossing diverse landforms and under adjacent croplands was performed at the key site in Belgorod oblast, in the south of the Central Russian Upland. Samples were collected in 30 points both in the central part of the shelterbelt and at distances of 30 meters on both sides of the shelterbelt. Maps of the depth of humus horizon, organic carbon content, depth of carbonates, and the soil map were compiled; indices of richness, diversity (Shannon, Simpson, Rao) and taxonomic distances (as a quantitative indicator of soil cover contrasts) were calculated. It was shown that soils under the shelterbelt are less contrasting among one another and more diverse than soils of the adjacent croplands. The shelterbelt effect on pedodiversity at the key site extends over adjacent areas affected by periodic waterlogging due to the barrier function of the shelterbelt.




