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Possibility and Feasibility of Returning the Formerly Reclaimed Solonetz Lands to Agricultural Use: A Review
Eurasian Soil Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-23 , DOI: 10.1134/s1064229320090094
I. N. Lyubimova , I. A. Salpagarova


Trends of changes in the properties of solonetzic soil complexes of the dry-steppe and semidesert zones under the impact of land reclamation measures. agricultural use, and further withdrawal of reclaimed land from agricultural use were analyzed. Our own and published data were used as information sources. An expert evaluation of the modern status of reclaimed solonetzes of abandoned fields and feasibility of their return to agriculture was performed. The following reclaimed soils were considered: solonetzic agrozems (Sodic Protosalic Cambisols (Loamic, Aric, Protocalcic)), textural-carbonate agrozems (Eutric Cambisols (Loamic, Aric, Protosalic)), agrosolonetzes (Endocalcaric Luvisols (Loamic, Aric, Cutanic, Protosodic)), agrochestnut soils (Eutric Cambisols (Siltic, Aric)), and meadow-chestnut soils (Haplic Kastanozemz)). Solonetzes of abandoned fields (unmanaged fallow land) with undisturbed solonetzic (natric) horizon restore their structure and properties in a short time and become close to the virgin solonetzes. In the dry-steppe zone, reclaimed solonetzes with the destroyed natric horizon do not restore their profile in the fallow state. For a long time, they preserve the properties gained under the impact of reclamation measures.




土地复垦措施影响下的干草原半荒漠地区松散质土壤复合物特性变化趋势。农业用途,并分析了从农业用途中进一步收回开垦土地。我们自己和已发布的数据被用作信息源。对废弃土地的再生孤石的现代状况及其返回农业的可行性进行了专家评估。考虑了以下开垦的土壤:solonetzic agrozems(Sodic protosalic Cambisols(Loamic,Aric,Protocalcic)),质地碳酸盐agrozems(Eutric Cambisols(Loamic,Aric,Protosalic)),agrosolonetzes(Endocalcaric Luvisols(Loamic,Aric )),板栗土壤(Eutric Cambisols(Siltic,Aric))和草地板栗土壤(Haplic Kastanozemz))。松散的(自然界)地平线的废弃田地(未管理的休耕地)的松散虫在短时间内恢复了它们的结构和特性,并接近原始的松果体。在干草原地带,被破坏的原生层的孤石在休耕状态下不会恢复其轮廓。长期以来,它们保留了在填海措施的影响下获得的财产。
