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Tracking Stocking Success in a Long‐Lived Species through Genetics and Demographics: Evidence of Natural Reproduction in Lake Sturgeon after Twenty‐Two Years
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10214
Amy B. Welsh 1 , Douglas M. Carlson 2 , Scott L. Schlueter 3 , James R. Jackson 4

Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens populations throughout the Great Lakes have experienced declines. Therefore, Lake Sturgeon have been stocked at several locations, including the Oswegatchie River in New York State, where Lake Sturgeon are listed as threatened. The goal of New York's Lake Sturgeon stocking program has been the establishment of self‐sustaining populations in six out of the seven management units in order to meet delisting criteria. Due to Lake Sturgeon's long lifespan and late sexual maturity, there is a significant delay before it can be determined whether natural reproduction is occurring at the reintroduction site. Our objective was to determine whether recently captured Lake Sturgeon from the Oswegatchie River were of hatchery origin and whether natural reproduction was occurring in the river. Age data and genetic data from 12 microsatellite loci were collected from 38 individuals from the Oswegatchie River. The genetic data were used to reconstruct families by using COLONY and STRUCTURE statistical analysis programs. The genetic diversity of the Oswegatchie River population was also compared with other natural and introduced Lake Sturgeon populations in the region. The combination of family reconstruction and age data indicated that natural reproduction is occurring in the Oswegatchie River. Individuals that were presumed to be recruited had ages ranging from 6 to 12 years. It is often thought female Lake Sturgeon typically do not reach sexual maturity until about 20 years of age. Only 12–15 years had elapsed since the earliest times of stocking, suggesting the possibility that remnant native females remained in the system or stocked female Lake Sturgeon have reached early sexual maturity. The genetic diversity of the Lake Sturgeon population in the Oswegatchie River is comparable to that of other nearby natural populations. However, the effective population size (Ne) was lower than that of many natural populations. As natural reproduction continues in the Oswegatchie River, Ne will likely increase.



湖鲟鲟毛鼠大湖区的人口减少了。因此,St鱼湖已经放养在几个地方,包括纽约州的奥斯维盖奇河,St鱼被列为濒危湖。纽约的urge鱼放养计划的目标是在七个管理单位中的六个中建立自我维持的种群,以满足除名标准。由于St鱼湖的寿命长和性成熟较晚,因此在确定重新引入地点是否发生自然繁殖之前,存在明显的延迟。我们的目标是确定最近从奥斯维盖奇河(Oswegatchie River)捕获的St鱼湖是否起源于孵化场,以及河中是否自然繁殖。来自Oswegatchie河的38个人收集了12个微卫星基因座的年龄数据和遗传数据。遗传数据通过使用COLONY和STRUCTURE统计分析程序用于重建家庭。Oswegatchie河种群的遗传多样性也与该地区其他自然和引进的introduced鱼种群进行了比较。家庭重建和年龄数据的结合表明,自然繁殖正在奥斯维盖奇河中发生。假定被招募的人员年龄为6至12岁。人们通常认为female鱼女性通常要到20岁左右才能达到性成熟。自最早的备货时间以来,仅过去了12-15年,这表明残留的本地雌性或保留在雌性Lake鱼湖中的雌性已经达到性早熟的可能性。Oswegatchie河中St鱼湖种群的遗传多样性与附近其他自然种群的遗传多样性相当。但是,有效人口规模(N e)低于许多自然种群。随着Oswegatchie河中自然繁殖的继续,N e可能会增加。