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Entrepreneurship as a vocational choice in contested entrepreneurship communities: The role of entrepreneurs' justification strategies
Journal of Business Venturing ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2020.106006
Sara Winterstorm Värlander , Ingela Sölvell , Kim Klyver

Abstract Research on the vocational decision to become an entrepreneur highlights how culture justifies such decisions when entrepreneurs align with the dominant cultural norms. Less is known about such justification when entrepreneurship is seen as less culturally appropriate. This qualitative study explores how entrepreneurs in Santiago, Chile and Nairobi, Kenya use strategies that comply, combine, and defy frames to justify vocational choices. Our framework sheds new light on how entrepreneurs act as purposeful cultural agents and use justification strategies to navigate constraining societal frames.



摘要 关于成为企业家的职业决策的研究强调了当企业家与主流文化规范保持一致时,文化如何证明这些决策是合理的。当创业被认为在文化上不太合适时,人们对这种理由知之甚少。这项定性研究探讨了智利圣地亚哥和肯尼亚内罗毕的企业家如何使用符合、结合和挑战框架的策略来证明职业选择的合理性。我们的框架为企业家如何充当有目的的文化代理人以及如何使用正当化策略来驾驭受限制的社会框架提供了新的思路。