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Canopy height measurements and non‐destructive biomass estimation of Lolium perenne swards using UAV imagery
Grass and Forage Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-26 , DOI: 10.1111/gfs.12439
Irene Borra‐Serrano 1, 2 , Tom De Swaef 1 , Hilde Muylle 1 , David Nuyttens 3 , Jürgen Vangeyte 3 , Koen Mertens 3 , Wouter Saeys 4 , Ben Somers 2 , Isabel Roldán‐Ruiz 1, 5 , Peter Lootens 1

Grasslands deliver important economic and ecological services. They provide a substantial fraction of the ruminant feed require‐ ments, prevent soil erosion, build soil fertility, require minimal pesti‐ cide use and are important for carbon sequestration (Lugato, Bampa, Panagos, Montanarella, & Jones, 2015; O’Mara, 2012; Wilkins & Humphreys, 2003). In Northwest Europe, Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass, Lp) is one of the most frequently sown forage grass species because of its rapid establishment and growth, high yield potential and excellent feed quality (Humphreys, Feuerstein, Vandewalle, & Baert, 2010). These valuable (agro) services must be safeguarded. Received: 03 January 2019 | Revised: 18 April 2019 | Accepted: 03 June 2019 DOI: 10.1111/gfs.12439



草原提供重要的经济和生态服务。它们提供了反刍动物饲料需求的很大一部分,防止水土流失,增强土壤肥力,需要最少的农药使用,并且对碳封存很重要(Lugato、Bampa、Panagos、Montanarella 和 Jones,2015 年;O'Mara ,2012 年;威尔金斯和汉弗莱斯,2003 年)。在欧洲西北部,多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.,Lp)是最常播种的牧草品种之一,因为它的定植和生长速度快、产量潜力大、饲料质量好(Humphreys、Feuerstein、Vandewalle 和 Baert,2010 年) )。这些有价值的(农业)服务必须得到保护。收稿日期:2019 年 1 月 3 日 | 修订日期:2019 年 4 月 18 日 | 接受:2019 年 6 月 3 日 DOI:10.1111/gfs.12439