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Using ground penetrating radar to understand the failure of the Koh Ker Reservoir, Northern Cambodia
Geoarchaeology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-29 , DOI: 10.1002/gea.21757
Ian Moffat 1, 2 , Sarah Klassen 3 , Tiago Attorre 1 , Damian Evans 4 , Terry Lustig 5 , Leaksmy Kong 4

Ground penetrating radar, probing, and excavation were used to create a contour map of the topography of a buried laterite pavement forming the spillway of a large abandoned reservoir at the Angkorian‐period city of Koh Ker in Cambodia. Calculations of the flow velocity of water through the spillway, based on the topography of the laterite surface, demonstrate that this outlet was even less adequate for passing the flow of water from the Stung Rongea catchment than had been estimated previously by Lustig, Klassen, Evans, French, & Moffat (2018). We argue that this design flaw contributed substantially to the failure of the reservoir’s dike, possibly during the first rainy season after construction, which may have contributed to Koh Ker’s remarkably short‐lived tenure as the political center of the Khmer Empire.


使用探地雷达了解柬埔寨北部Koh Ker水库的破坏

探地雷达,探测和开挖被用于创建一个埋藏的红土路面的地形轮廓图,该地形图形成了一个位于柬埔寨安哥拉时期的科赫岛的大型废弃水库的溢洪道。根据红土表面的地形,计算通过溢洪道的水流速,表明该出口甚至不足以比照卢斯蒂格,克拉森,埃文斯的估计来传递来自荣格河集水区的水流。 ,法文和莫法特(2018)。我们认为,这种设计缺陷在很大程度上可能是水库堤坝的故障,可能是在建造后的第一个雨季期间,这可能导致了科克岛(Koh Ker)作为高棉帝国政治中心的短暂任期。