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A modified technique of the finite-difference method calculations to mimic the four-terminal method measurements of electrical impedance and admittance of skeletal muscles
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-20 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/abaa6d
Katsuhisa Sekine

A modified technique of the finite-difference method (FDM) calculations was developed to mimic the measurements of the electrical impedance, Z , and admittance, Y , of skeletal muscles using the four-terminal method. The elements in this technique contained bundled plural tubular muscle cells. The electrical currents in the transversal direction were formulated based on a theory for two-dimensional suspensions, and those in the longitudinal direction were formulated based on the discretized cable-line theory. Using the relations for the currents, simultaneous linear relations with respect to electrical potentials in the intercellular medium and cell interior at the center of the elements were constructed. The effects of the T-tubules and surface membrane folding were included using the equivalent complex conductivity for the surface membrane. The current-supply electrodes were characterized as regions of fixed potentials. At each potential-pickup electrode, the summa...


