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"It's a battle for eyeballs and suicide is clickbait": The media experience of suicide reporting in India.
PLOS ONE ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239280
Gregory Armstrong 1 , Lakshmi Vijayakumar 2, 3 , Anish V Cherian 4 , Kannan Krishnaswamy 5


Suicide rates in India are among the highest in the world, equating to over 200,000 suicide deaths annually. Crime reports of suicide incidents routinely feature in the Indian mass media, with minimal coverage of suicide as a broader public health issue. To supplement our recently published content analysis study, we undertook qualitative interviews to examine media professionals' perspectives and experiences in relation to media reporting of suicide-related news in India.

Materials and methods

In 2017–18, semi-structured qualitative interviews with twenty-eight print media and television media professionals with experience reporting on suicide-related news were undertaken across north (New Delhi and Chandigarh) and south (Chennai) India. A semi-structured interview guide was designed to initiate discussions around; 1) perspectives on why suicide incidents are regularly reported on by mass media in India, 2) a description of experiences and processes of covering suicide incidents on the crime beat; and 3) perspectives on the emergence of health reporter coverage of suicide. Interviews were digitally audio-recorded and transcribed. A deductive and inductive thematic analytic approach was used, supported by the use of NVivo.


Suicides were typically seen as being highly newsworthy and of interest to the audience, particularly the suicides of high-status people and those who somewhat matched the middle-class profile of the core audience. Socio-cultural factors played a major role in determining the newsworthiness of a particular incident. The capacity to link a suicide incident to compelling social narratives, potentially detrimental social/policy issues, and placing the suicide as a form of protest/martyrdom increased newsworthiness. Reporters on the crime beat worked in close partnership with police to produce routine and simplified incident report-style coverage of suicide incidents, with the process influenced by: informal police contacts supporting the crime beat, the speed of breaking news, extremely tight word limits and a deeply fraught engagement with bereaved family members. It was articulated that a public health and/or mental health framing of suicide was an emerging perspective, which sought to focus more on broader trends and suicide prevention programs rather than individual incidents. Important challenges were identified around the complexity of adopting a mental health framing of suicide, given the perceived pervasive influence of socioeconomic and cultural issues (rather than individual psychopathology) on suicide in India.


Our findings delve into the complexity of reporting on suicide in India and can be used to support constructive partnerships between media professionals and suicide prevention experts in India. Policymakers need to acknowledge the socio-cultural context of suicide reporting in India when adapting international guidelines for the Indian media.








自杀通常被认为具有很高的新闻价值,并且引起了观众的兴趣,特别是地位高的人和与核心听众的中产阶级形象相匹配的人的自杀。社会文化因素在确定特定事件的新闻价值方面起着重要作用。将自杀事件与令人信服的社会叙事,潜在有害的社会/政策问题联系起来的能力,以及将自杀作为抗议/ yr难的一种形式,可以提高新闻价值。打击犯罪行为的记者与警方密切合作,制作了常规的,简化的事件报告式自杀事件报道,其过程受到以下方面的影响:非正式的警方联系支持犯罪行为,突发新闻的速度,字词限制非常严格,并且与失去亲人的家人深感忧虑。有人指出,自杀的公共卫生和/或精神卫生框架是一个新兴的观点,它试图将重点更多地放在更广泛的趋势和自杀预防方案上,而不是个别事件上。考虑到社会经济和文化问题(而非个人心理病理学)对印度自杀的普遍影响,围绕自杀的心理健康框架的复杂性确定了重大挑战。


