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Getting chirality right: Single scalar leptoquark solutions to the(g−2)e,μpuzzle
Physical Review D ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 
Innes Bigaran, Raymond R. Volkas

We identify the two scalar leptoquarks capable of generating sign-dependent contributions to leptonic magnetic moments, R2(3,2,7/6) and S1(3,1,1/3), as favoured by current measurements. We consider the case in which the electron and muon sectors are decoupled, and real-valued Yukawa couplings are specified using an up-type quark mass-diagonal basis. Contributions to Δae arise from charm-containing loops and Δaμ from top-containing loops – hence avoiding dangerous LFV constraints, particularly from μeγ. The strongest constraints on these models arise from contributions to the Z leptonic decay widths, high-pT leptonic tails at the LHC, and from (semi)leptonic kaon decays. To be a comprehensive solution to the (g2)e/μ puzzle we find that the mass of either leptoquark must be 65 TeV. This analysis can be embedded within broader flavour anomaly studies, including those of hierarchical leptoquark coupling structures. It can also be straightforwardly adapted to accommodate future measurements of leptonic magnetic moments, such as those expected from the Muon g2 collaboration in the near future.



我们确定了两个标量幼体夸克,它们能够对轻子磁矩产生符号依赖性的贡献, [R2327/6小号1个31个-1个/3,受到当前测量的青睐。我们考虑电子和介子扇形解耦的情况,并使用上型夸克质对角线指定实值Yukawa耦合。对...的贡献Δ一种Ë 来自包含魅力的循环和 Δ一种μ 来自顶部循环的循环–因此避免了危险的LFV约束,尤其是来自 μËγ。这些模型的最强约束来自Z轻子衰变宽度,pŤ大型强子对撞机的轻子尾巴,以及(半)轻子kaon的衰变。全面解决G-2Ë/μ 迷惑,我们发现任何一个le夸克的质量都必须是 65岁TeV。该分析可以嵌入到更广泛的风味异常研究中,包括分层的le夸克耦合结构。它也可以直接调整以适应未来对轻子磁矩的测量,例如Muon所期望的G-2 在不久的将来进行合作。