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Sub-Poissonian atom-number distributions by means of Rydberg dressing and electromagnetically induced transparency
Physical Review A ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 
Daniel Cano

A method is proposed to produce atomic ensembles with sub-Poissonian atom number distributions. The method consists in removing the excess atoms using the interatomic interactions induced by Rydberg dressing. The selective removal of atoms occurs via spontaneous decay into untrapped states using an electromagnetically induced transparency scheme. Ensembles with the desired number of atoms can be produced almost deterministically. Numerical simulations predict a strong reduction of the atom number fluctuations, with the variance twenty times less than the Poisson noise level (the predicted Fano factor is F0.05). Strikingly, the method is suitable for both fermions and bosons. It solves the problem of the atom number fluctuations in bosons, whose weak interactions have usually been an obstacle to control the number of atoms.


