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Dissipation-facilitated molecules in a Fermi gas with non-Hermitian spin-orbit coupling
Physical Review A ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 
Lihong Zhou, Wei Yi, Xiaoling Cui

We study the impact of non-Hermiticity on the molecule formation in a two-component spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas near a wide Feshbach resonance. Under an experimentally feasible configuration where the two-photon Raman process is dissipative, the Raman-induced synthetic spin-orbit coupling acquires a complex strength. Remarkably, dissipation of the system facilitates the formation and binding of molecules, which, despite their dissipative nature and finite life time, exist over a wider parameter regime than in the corresponding Hermitian system. These dissipation-facilitated molecules can be probed by the inverse radio-frequency (r.f.) spectroscopy, provided the Raman lasers are blue-detuned to the excited state. The effects of dissipation manifest in the r.f. spectra as shifted peaks with broadened widths, which serve as a clear experimental signature. Our results, readily observable in current cold-atom experiments, shed light on the fascinating interplay of non-Hermiticity and interaction in few- and many-body open quantum systems.


