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Dynamical Order and Superconductivity in a Frustrated Many-Body System
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-22 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.125.137001
J. Tindall , F. Schlawin , M. Buzzi , D. Nicoletti , J. R. Coulthard , H. Gao , A. Cavalleri , M. A. Sentef , D. Jaksch

In triangular lattice structures, spatial anisotropy and frustration can lead to rich equilibrium phase diagrams with regions containing complex, highly entangled states of matter. In this work, we study the driven two-rung triangular Hubbard model and evolve these states out of equilibrium, observing how the interplay between the driving and the initial state unexpectedly shuts down the particle-hole excitation pathway. This restriction, which symmetry arguments fail to predict, dictates the transient dynamics of the system, causing the available particle-hole degrees of freedom to manifest uniform long-range order. We discuss implications of our results for a recent experiment on photoinduced superconductivity in κ(BEDTTTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br molecules.



在三角形晶格结构中,空间各向异性和无奈可导致区域包含复杂,高度纠缠的物质状态的丰富平衡相图。在这项工作中,我们研究了带驱动的两级三角形Hubbard模型,并使这些状态变得不平衡,观察了驱动状态和初始状态之间的相互作用如何意外地关闭了粒子-空穴激励路径。这种限制是对称论点无法预测的,它决定了系统的瞬态动力学,导致可用的粒子孔自由度表现出均匀的长程次序。我们讨论了我们的结果对光致超导的最新实验的影响。κ-贝德-特遣队2[ñCN2] 分子。