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Characterizing spreading dynamics of subsampled systems with nonstationary external input
Physical Review E ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 
Jorge de Heuvel, Jens Wilting, Moritz Becker, Viola Priesemann, Johannes Zierenberg

Many systems with propagation dynamics, such as spike propagation in neural networks and spreading of infectious diseases, can be approximated by autoregressive models. The estimation of model parameters can be complicated by the experimental limitation that one observes only a fraction of the system (subsampling) and potentially time-dependent parameters, leading to incorrect estimates. We show analytically how to overcome the subsampling bias when estimating the propagation rate for systems with certain non-stationary external input. This approach is readily applicable to trial-based experimental setups and seasonal fluctuations, as demonstrated on spike recordings from monkey prefrontal cortex and spreading of norovirus and measles.


