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The evolving response by emergency veterinary hospitals during the COVID‐19 pandemic
Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-31 , DOI: 10.1111/vec.12995
Annie Wayne 1 , Elizabeth Rozanski 1

Dear Editor,

As the COVID‐19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the world, and particularly in the United States, emergency veterinary hospitals face on‐going challenges. We previously shared information gathered from survey data in April 2020.1 We have continued to survey emergency veterinary hospitals and share some updates from surveys of 32 hospitals from May 5, 29 hospitals from May 20; 30 hospitals June 4; and 21 hospitals June 29.

A few key themes emerge from the surveys that have been echoed on listservs, social media, and other informal platforms. First, the overall caseload and demand for emergency and specialty level care for companion animals has increased as compared to previous years. The majority of hospitals reported caseload increases of greater than 10%, with 44% (14/32) hospitals reporting an increase of >25%. Most hospitals had not made significant changes to structure or staff to accommodate increased caseload, although a few reported intermittent diversions or closures when caseload exceeded capacity. Staffing shortages were common, and worsened by potential exposures, infections or other COVID‐related absences. Burnout among staff was considered high. Although many hospitals had put additional supports in place for employees, no one solution was clearly effective; various efforts included increased access to social workers or online groups, efforts at team building, schedule flexibility within reason, tee‐shirts, and meals. Additional “hazard” pay for frontline employees was rarely offered.

Most hospitals were continuing with curb side care and limited or no client access to buildings. Seventy‐six percent (22/29) permitted clients in the hospital only for euthanasia, while 24% (7/29) permitted clients for other reasons, although it was typically restricted access. Only 13% (4/30) of hospitals were permitting clients to visit hospitalized pets, with 16 of 30 (53%) offering virtual visitation as an alternative to in‐person visits.

As of June 20, 16 of 21 (76%) of hospitals surveyed had no plans to allow clients back into the building for appointments. Staff were frequently asked or pressured for more access with 11 of 21 (52%) were being asked more than once every day, five of 21 (24%) occasionally, and four of 21 (19%) rarely. Only one hospital, located in Washington State, said clients were understanding about limited access.

In summary, increased caseload and burnout seem to be the biggest challenges for emergency veterinary hospitals during the COVID‐19 pandemic, coupled with the unpredictable future. On‐going support of team members and among the emergency/critical care community is vital, and we plan to continue surveys and data dissemination.








