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Comparative morphological study of the oropharyngeal floor of squabs and adult domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica)
Microscopy Research and Technique ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23606
Mohamed A A Mahdy 1

The current study compared the morphological features of the oropharyngeal floor of squabs and adult domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica). Samples from the oropharyngeal floor of both squabs and adult pigeons were collected directly after slaughtering. The collected samples were examined grossly, morphometrically, and by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The lower beak had triangular shape with pointed rostral end. The tongue did not fill the entire oral floor in squabs as well as adult pigeons. The lingual apex of squabs had a small lingual nail while that of the adult pigeons had a well‐developed lingual nail. The lingual body was separated from the lingual root by a transverse papillary crest, which was “V” shaped in squabs but “U”‐shaped in adult pigeons. Filiform papillae were distributed on the dorsal surface of lingual apex, as well as, body, but were absent on the root. The lingual root presented fine elevations and low projections in squabs and adult pigeons, respectively. On the other hand, the tongue of adult pigeons had larger number of the lingual salivary glands openings compared to that of squabs. In addition, the edges of the glottis had numerous small projections in squabs bur presented large dome‐shaped papillae in adult pigeons. Moreover, adult pigeons had longer pharyngeal papillae at pharyngoesophageal junction than those of squabs. In conclusion, these variations suggest that adult pigeons adapted well to their diet, which might reflect higher efficiency of food prehension


雏鸽和成年家鸽(Columba liviadomestica)口咽底的比较形态学研究

目前的研究比较了雏鸽和成年家鸽(Columba liviadomestica )口咽底的形态特征)。屠宰后直接从雏鸽和成年鸽的口咽部采集样本。对收集的样品进行粗略、形态测量和扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 检查。下喙呈三角形,喙端尖。在雏鸽和成年鸽中,舌头没有填满整个口腔。雏鸽的舌尖有一个小的舌甲,而成年鸽的舌尖有发达的舌甲。舌体与舌根之间有一横乳头嵴,雏鸽呈“V”形,成年鸽呈“U”形。丝状乳头分布于舌尖背侧及体部,根部无。雏鸽和成年鸽的舌根呈细小突起和低突起,分别。另一方面,与雏鸽相比,成年鸽的舌头有更多的舌唾液腺开口。此外,声门边缘有许多小突起,在成年鸽子身上有大圆顶状乳头。此外,成年鸽在咽食管交界处的咽乳头比乳鸽长。总之,这些变化表明成年鸽子很好地适应了他们的饮食,这可能反映了更高的食物吸收效率 成年鸽在咽食管交界处的咽乳头比乳鸽长。总之,这些变化表明成年鸽子很好地适应了他们的饮食,这可能反映了更高的食物吸收效率 成年鸽在咽食管交界处的咽乳头比乳鸽长。总之,这些变化表明成年鸽子很好地适应了他们的饮食,这可能反映了更高的食物吸收效率